Chapter 5: The Torture

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Hey mah peepz! I am gonna be honest with ya’ll. This chapter might more of a filler, but it does have to do with something later. If you can guess it right then I congratulate you, well, there are a few things of importance to the story. The rest is just filler stuff. Also I am writing this at midnight, but please don’t tell my mom. XD Enjoy!

(Jordan POV)

Just before she said her name, several guards filed in behind her and grabbed each of my friends. Are they finally gonna chain them up like me? I am confused, I look at the girl and face is full of sorrow, which makes me even more confused. Then one bigger than the others, which I assume is the leader, walks in, followed by 2 more wither skeleton guards.

They unchain me and start to drag me. I try to stumble to my feet but am not able to and let myself be dragged.

They drag me to the middle of the room. There, 2 poles rise from the ground with chains and cuffs. They put cuffs on my wrists and leave me like I was before.

I hear my friends screaming my name. I turn my head to look at them when a baseball bat connects with my cheek, knocking my jaw loose and causing me to spit out several teeth. I cry out in pain and start coughing and gasping as he hits my stomach.

He then pulls out a diamond sword and stabs it into my side, leaving it there for a few minutes. I am in tremendous pain. I begin to close my eyes as I think he will never pull it out. But he does and when he does, blood pours out. I can feel my life pouring out with the blood. He stabs it through the middle of my stomach and immediately pulls it out.

I don’t even know how I’m still conscious and breathing, but I know it won’t be long ‘till I’m not. Someone says something to someone else. I can’t tell who or what because everything is fuzzy and unclear. I see the faint figure of the girl walk out. Then I slip into the dark world of unconsciousness.

 (??? POV)        

I walk back in and the boy is slumped forward, the chains the only thing keeping him up. The guards unhook the chains and he falls to the ground in his own blood. “Will someone help me?” I ask as I look at the group of boys. “I will.” says one boy as he steps out of the crowd.

He has black and gray shirt, pants, and shoes, a purple and gold amulet (I’m sorry! She doesn’t know he calls it butter yet.), black sunglasses, and kind of long brown hair. He walks over, “What were you going to say your name is?” he asks. “Oh, Andrea. Yours?” I say. “Adam or Sky, that’s Jordan or CaptainSparklez, my brother.”

“Nice to meet you Adam.” I say. “You too, Andrea. What do you need help with?” he asks. “Oh . . . um . . . I need you to pull off his shirt so I can bandage him up.” He nods and pulls Jordan’s jacket and shirt off.

I blush when I see his abs and muscles. I try to ignore them as I bandage them.

-30 minutes later-

I get finished wrapping up Jordan’s torso and jump when someone speaks behind me, “What about his jaw?” I turn around to see someone who is wearing an outfit similar to Adam’s with the same amulet, but you can see his big eyes, his pupils are black, and he has black hair and a black goatee.   

“Don’t worry ‘bout that. Nightmare Notch fixed it when no one was looking. So that means his jaw is perfectly fine and he has all his teeth again. I don’t know why he did that though.” He looks as though he doesn’t want to believe that. “O-ok. I’m Taylor or Antvenom. I’m Jordan’s cousin.” He introduces. “Nice to meet you Taylor.” I greet. He gives a curt nod.

A guard walks in a hole in the wall with a tray of bread and water bottles. I grab it and pass out the food.

I glance over at Jordan. I hope he’ll be okay.

Hey mah peepz! Yay! I did it! I got ya’ll a new chapter! Sorry it took a few days. But it will be another few days before I get another chapter out because I will be working on the next chapter for YouTubers’ Revenge. I know those of you that have read it are getting really anxious for a new chapter and I promise it will be out tomorrow or the next day. I am trying my best and I hope you can understand. Thanks for readin’ mah peepz!

This has been punken316!

Stay sweet mah friendz!

Type to ya’ll next time!

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