Chapter 18: Escaping (Part 1)

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A/N: Hey mah peepz! My updates are going to be slow the next few months until school lets out. I’ll tell you why at the end. Enjoy!


(Quentin’s POV)

Evidently I can run faster on a wet surface than a dry surface. That may be the key to my escape. I start making a plan for when the next guard comes in.

When the guard walks in, I jump in the pond and make it overflow past the guard and out into the hallway. The guard slips and falls so I take this as my chance to get out.

I run and jump over the guard then sprint down the hall.  I zoom past some guards who are slipping and sliding. They see me sprint by and try to come after me, but end up falling.

Then I feel the water diminish until the ground is dry again. My speed dramatically decreases. I make a right turn and see a door in the distance with sunlight shining through the windows.

I can hear the guards behind me. I look around for water until I spot a damp spot on the ground. I step in it and push myself forward. That gives me the boost I needed to make it to the door.

I push through the door and out to freedom. I can only hope the others will get out.

(Jerome’s POV)

Yes! I’ve finally figured out how to make a wooden axe. Next time a guard walks in here, I’m going to kick its butt. As soon as I think that, a guard walks in. Perfect.

I climb a tree and wait for it to pass under. When it does, I jump out of the tree and land on it. It tries to pull me off, but I knock its head off with my axe.

“Jerome look out!” I hear Jackson yell. I turn around and see an archer aiming a bow at my head. What happens next, seems to occur in slow motion.

The archer releases the arrow. Jackson jumps in front of it. The arrow pierces his stomach. He screams then falls to the floor. I scream in rage then throw my axe at the archer. It hits the archer in the head, killing him instantly.

I rush to Jackson. “Jackson no. Pease don’t die.” I plead. “I’m . . . I’m sorry bro.” he croaks then goes limp. I roar in rage again. Then I get up and run out of the open door.

What I don’t expect to find is the hallway flooded with water. What is this about?  I take a tentative step, expecting to slip and fall, but my feet stay on the ground.

I guess my fur is keeping my feet weighted. I hear clanking behind me so I start running. Then, the smell of fish fills my nose. I follow the scent around a corner and to a door. I open the door and run out to my freedom. I hope the others will get out.


A/N: I hope that was good, sorry if it seemed a little short. Like I said, my updates will be slower until school ends.

Why? Well my school is weird. Some of you may be familiar with a grading period known as a ‘six weeks’. That’s what my school goes by. The first three six weeks we have four classes. Then at the end we have SOL’s as some know it, finals or exams as others know it.

A three six weeks is also known as a semester. This semester I only had one core class. Biology. Next semester, which starts the 27th, I have four core classes. That means TONS of homework. I have chemistry, VA/US history pt 1, English 10, and algebra 2. Yea, next semester is going to be tough.

I might be able to update at the most three times a month. Sorry ‘bout that. I’ll try to update as much as I can until then.

Also I’m going to delete the face reveal.

Song of the chapter: Let’s Have Some Fun in Minecraft by Einshine

Comment if you want and vote if you feel like it. Also a follow helps tremendously. Thanks for readin’ mah peepz!

This has been punken316!

Stay sweet and keep readin’ mah friendz!

Type to y’all next time!


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