New Characters!

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Hey mah peepz! I am here to introduce you to the three new characters. Plus, I will announce the winner of the character contest. The winner’s bio will be the last one. And please don’t get mad if I didn’t choose yours.

Andrea (punken316/me) – Andrea is an animal shapeshifter. That means she can turn into any animal she wants. She is Notch’s daughter. When he turned evil, he cast a spell that turned her into the shifter that she is today. Then, he imprisoned her in his experimentation facility to help the patients. You might be thinking, “But why hasn’t she just turned into a magical animal and teleported out?” Well, she has tried multiple times. But she was never successful, because she has a tracking chip somewhere in her body and was never able to figure out where it was. Her abilities are whatever the animal she is. (This is me, and when you see her description, that is what my real Mincraft character looks like, the rare occasion I play it . . . don’t kill me! But it isn’t my real name. First one to guess it right gets mentioned in the story, on the first guess they get a character. If ya’ll haven’t guessed by next chapter, I will give a hint.)

Micah (SuperMouthBlaber) – Micah will become a T-Rex hybrid. He will be able to turn into a T-Rex. When he turns into a T-Rex, he will grow to the size of a 2-story building (10 blocks each story). His raincoat will help control the rage mostly in the beginning, but some things will make him so mad, he won’t be able to control it. Almost like DragonSparklez, except DragonSparklez will be bigger still and more powerful. His abilities include (when he is in T-Rex form of course, but each ability will be lesser than that of DragonSparklez) strength, tough skin, sharp teeth and claws, loud roaring, and powerful tail smack. (Micah is my friend irl and that is the name of his actual YouTube channel, so check him out and maybe subscribe. He is a real funny guy and I think ya’ll will enjoy his videos. But he doesn’t play Mincraft, so I just made up his appearance based on what he usually wears.)

JacksonBacca (ThatRedstoneGuy/Jasen) – Jackson will be a bacca hybrid, like his brother Jerome. Yes, you heard me right. Jerome will have a brother names Jackson. He will have most of the same abilities as Jerome, except a little lesser.He will wear the same black business suit as Jerome except with a green tie instead of a red one. There is one difference between them however. Jackson will be a little smarter than Jerome and be better with redstone contraptions. (Ok Jasen, I hope you are happy with your bio. Yes Jasen is my friend, and I let him be in my story because I am nice like that. Ya’ll should check him out, he has some really good stories.)

FallenDiamond (BlueDiamond101/Amber) – Amber will be a Fallen Angel hybrid. When she is a fallen angel, Amber will be able to fly and bend both light and dark. She will be able to grant curses. She will grow beautiful eagle-like wings. When she’s human, she will be able to control herself unless she is very angry. Her powers will show little by little until she reveals herself. She will be powerful, up in the ranks with Bodil666, SetoSorcerer, and even Skybrine, but not quite as powerful as Skybrine. She will be even with Bodil666, who is more powerful than SetoSorcerer. She also will end up falling in love with Ty. (Ok, as you can tell, the winner is BlueDiamond101. Diamond, I hope you are happy with the bio, I added a few things to it to make it sound legit. She is also a Wattpad friend of mine. Ya’ll should check her out as well, she has some good stories, too.)

Ok mah peepz! That is the end of character stuffz for now. The next update will be a legit chapter so please don’t kill me. I should be updating my stories more often now that school is out. So keep readin’ mah peepz. Thanks for readin’!

This has been punken316!

Stay sweet mah friendz!

Type to ya’ll next time!

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