Chapter 13: The Eighth Transformation

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Hey mah peepz! Yay! New chapter! I'm doing mah best with the stress and drama of school and crap like that. I hope this is ok. Enjoy.


(Martin POV)

So they took Taylor. Heh. I can imagine what Taylor looks like as an enderman.

I start laughing uncontrollably. The others look at me weird.

(??? POV)

That insane laugh. He's perfect.

(Martin POV)

I finish my laughter and Jordan asks, "What was that about?" "I was thinking what Taylor would look like as an enderman and okh momche."

Everyone looks confused until Jordan explains, "Okh momche is oh boy in Bulgarian. Poleto Bodil?" I laugh, "Yea."

I focus on something in the far corner. A pair of shining red eyes. They step out of the shadows and the body they belong to is a demon thing. A very complex looking demon thing. It moves towards me. I try to move backwards, but I can't. I am frozen in place.

As he advances on me, I hear a voice in my head, "If you concentrate hard enough, you can break free. I believe in you."

I close my eyes and focus really hard on being out of this glowing eyed, demon thing's mind trap. It works and I fall backwards.

When I hit the ground, I hear another voice in my head. This one deeper and more menacing, "Hmm. You have a strong mind. You are perfect."

My vision becomes red and I loose control of my body. Whatever it is makes me get up and makes me now to shining red eyed demon thing.

"Hello Lord Dianite." It says. That voice . . . does not sound like mine. It sounds like a deeper version of mine. Yes, a deeper Bulgarian voice. O, momche, nyakoi da mi pomogne.

"Hello Bodil666."


Ok. I didn't even use Google Translate. Anyone impressed with mah Bulgarian skills? No?

Ok, ich bin nur gonna go in einer Ecke weinen. ¿Por qué? ¡Porque todos ustedes son malos

(Ok, I'm gonna go sit in a corner and cry.) (Why? Because you all are terrible and I hate you)

y no me gusta tonto!

Just kidding. I don't hate y'all. I love you with all my heart. No homo of course. German and Spanish anyone? No? Ok fine. I give up.

Feel free to message me on kik at punken316, but please say who you are on Wattpad so I don't ignore you. Comment if you want and vote if you feel like it. Also a follow helps tremendously. Thanks for readin' mah peepz!

This has been punken316!

Restez doux et continuez à lire mes amis!

(Stay sweet and keep reading my friends!)

Pliktrologíste gia ólous sas tin expómeni forá!

(Type to you all next time!)

French and Greek? God dammit!

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