Chapter 16: The Eleventh and Final Transformation

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A/N I'm baaaaaaaack! (I'll let y'all finish that) And better than ever! Jk, I don't really know if my writing is better than ever. I'll let you be the judge of that. Also there might be a little gory stuff in this chapter so beware. I'll let y'all know when it's coming. Enjoy!


(Jordan's POV) -before Adam's incident-

They make a tighter circle around me while they are laughing at me. I growl and lash out at one, but my claws go right through it like it's made of air.

I stop and think. If my claws went through it, I should too right? I run towards it in an attempt to go through it, but I don't and I end up on the floor.

I feel myself being lifted in the air as a sense of calm envelopes me. My eyes start to close. I try to force them to stay open, but I fail and quiet soon follows.

-one hour later-

The quiet disperses and is replaced by the sound of feet moving along a floor. I open my eyes in expectance to see a bright light, but I see nothing. Literally nothing. Blackness everywhere, like the void.

It isn't quite the void though, because I hear noise and footsteps. I try to sit up, but something holds me down. As soon as it does, something flashes in the dark and I immediately know who's holding me.

I struggle to get up, but the more I struggle, the harder the hand hold me down until a sharp pain emerges in my shoulders. I yelp and as soon as I do, something holds my mouth open and pours a liquid down my throat.

(WARNING! WARNING! GORY-ISH STUFF AHEAD![I will let you know when it ends.]

By the time the liquid has made it to my stomach, my throat feels like lava has been poured down it. My stomach also feels like it contains lava and is melting.

Then my stomach actually bursts and I feel liquid rush up my throat. I start violently coughing up blood and along with the blood comes bits of fire.

My other innards start melting and I roll off the table, shaking violently and gasping for cool, fresh air. How I'm alive right now, I have no idea.

(Gory stuff is over. You're good)

I feel my body grow larger until I loose consciousness.

I wake up with a strong ache everywhere in and on my body. I go to stand up when I notice a long, black tail. I raise my head up and notice it feels heavy.

I glance up and see shiny horns atop my head. I look down and see a long neck. I try to stand up, but get jerked back down by a strong, thick metal collar around my neck.

Why am I a dragon? Also, why is there a metal collar around my neck?


A/N Alrighty. That chapter is done.

Hey! How are you guys? Did you miss me?

Enough of the small talk. I am going to be doing a new book thing soon, but I need your help choosing what kind of book I should do. Here are the choices:

A: Short Story Book

B: New Book

C: A book of books and authors I recommend

D: Phrases I say and hear on a daily basis

E: Any Combo You Want

If you wouldn't mind just putting the letter of your choice in the comments. If you choose E, then put which ones you want to make a combination of. A quick note as well, C and D would be the fastest updated ones.

Speaking of commenting, comment if you want and vote if you feel like it. Also a follow helps tremendously. Thanks for readin' mah peepz!

This has been punken316!

Stay sweet and keep readin' mah friendz!

Type to y'all next time!

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