Itachi and Izumi Uchiha. Not married.

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It was a murky, eerie night. Itachi was heading to Izumi's house unannounced. Izumi's mother wasn't home at the time.

Slowly, he crept up on Izumi with regret in his system. They were both powerful Uchiha's, Izumi even awakened her Sharingan before Itachi, who is one of the most gifted and elite shinobi in their clan; he was even a prodigy.

Izumi was then aware of Itachi's presence. Itachi was dubious but suddenly grasped Izumi by the shoulders out of context, and stared straight into her  precious Uchiha eyes.

The Next Day

Izumi woke up with a terrible headache. Itachi was towering over, which startled Izumi.

"Itachi.. W-what are you doing here?". Itachi gazed into her mesmerizing eyes and got lost for a moment. "Hi" Itachi said in a meek voice, crumbling the silence.

Izumi couldn't help but release a smile. "What happened last night? I got a headache, I don't even remember anything."

"Izumi said as she groaned with the disastrous migraine. "You were drinking... I had to bring you home last night." Itachi informed chiefly.

"Of course  I did not! I'm only 16- still a minor if you didn't know." Izumi retaliated, defending herself.

"Maybe you mistook 'Corona Beer' for 'Aquafina Water'" Itachi taunted.

"Well we need to start training, the Chunin exams are in a week. I'll meet up with you after my mission today." Itachi stated.

Izumi was a genin while Itachi was a Jounin... at age 10, in the ANBU at age 11, and soon became Captain of the ANBU when he was only 13. He was notably an exceedingly, impressive prodigy which never failed to intimidate Izumi. You would expect no less from the elite Uchiha clan.

"What's the mission for today?" Izumi asked, knowing she wouldn't be getting an answer. It was a running gag between them.

"Oh ya know, planning on doing some ethnic cleaning within my own clan. The usual.." Itachi smirked.

"Oh fun!" Izumi giggled. She then wobbly walked to her wardrobe to get changed. Itachi, being the respectful gentlemen he was, looked at his shoes and messed with his fingers.

Izumi donned her purple training gear, secured her shinobi headband atop her forehead. She quickly grabbed her kunai knives and a chocolate pudding pop (to-go).

She playfully pushed Itachi as her way of saying goodbye. Butterflies rapidly fluttered in her stomach, so much so, it had the potential of creating a tornado in her abdomen.

Itachi smiled goodbye as he flew out the window. After he left, she scurried out the door.

She ran with her body abreast to the ground and her arms flailing stiff behind her.


Once Izumi got to a free training lot, she practiced her taijutsu , which was her speciality, on the practice dummies replete with hay. After her hand to dummy combat training, she gracefully and steadily threw her kunai right in the bullseye.

Hours have elapsed since she initiated her training. Out of nowhere, she felt a hand on her shoulder. It was none other than Itachi.

"Great, you're.. here!" Izumi panted, clearly out of breath. "I needed a.. a sparring partner". Izumi cheered with tired eyes.

Itachi, knowing she was exhausted, simultaneously activated his sharingan with Izumi.

"I'm not going easy on you, Izumi." Itachi smirked.

"Oh no!!!" Izumi put her hands on her face and hysterically laughed.

They did the traditional shinobi sparring reconciliation seal in unison and began the fight. Izumi started by throwing her kunai at Itachi. Itachi then executed the hand signs

Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger (Fireball jutsu)

to parry the kunai. Itachi helped Izumi with her techniques but then Izumi felt a sharp pain in her eyes. She overused her sharingan. Izumi collapsed, but mid fall, Itachi stabilized her before she hit the ground. He meticulously laid her down on the ground, with her upper body erect. (you know you're immature if you laughed at that.. like me.)

"wooOOooOOOooOOOo! I feel lightheaded, I guess I overused my Sharingan" Izumi said dizzily, out of breath. They both laughed.

Izumi's condition wasn't harsh and was effortless to get through the minimal pain.

Itachi instantly apaced for a stainless steel water jug.. After a few minutes of Izumi's notable gulping, Itachi destited the silence.

"Do you wanna go get some dinner? I can tell you've been practicing since this morning. You must be famished." Itachi offered timidly. Izumi's heart scrambled. She nonchalauntly nodded and turned around, back facing itachi. Izumi formed a gargantuan smile on her face and started dancing, while simultaneously keeping it on the down-low.

It was around seven o'clock at night, Itachi and Izumi trekked in the well lighted streets of Konoha. Slowly, Itachi attempted to link hands with Izumi.. and succeeded. They both glanced at each other and blushed. Subsequently, the pair stared at the ground with the delightedness attached on their faces.

Izumi and Itachi have always had a "situation". Izumi has admired Itachi since they were 8 and in the academy. Itachi gradually started returning the feelings.

Then they began conversations about Itachi's little brother, Sasuke. The dark-haired talent and chick magnet was already 10 and the top student at the academy. His stated goal is to live up to his beloved nii-san's footsteps.

Whilst strolling around town, onlookers paused in their tracks and stared. Some even whistled at them.
They were eventually going to be the talk of the town after tonight.

When they got to the notorious ramen stand, they came across familiar and honorable faces. Minato, who was the Hokage, and his stunning wife, Kushina, with their children. Naruto, who was ten and Sasuke's classmate and somewhat of a rival, and their six year old child, Menma.
These children had obvious potential and were quite in fact prodigies, taking after their parents.

"Hello Yondaime Hokage, Kushina sama, Naruto-nii and Menma-nii"  said Itachi and Izumi as they bowed in respect.

Kushina scanned at their intertwined fingers and started to ask questions.

"Now, now Kushina, let's leave these two lovebirds alone." Minato slyly remarked as he winked.
"Onii-Chan!!!! Let's get more menma dattebaboob !!" exclaimed Menma cutely. "No way!  Ramen is way better dattebayo!!"

The two brothers kept on bickering until Kushina knocked some sense into them.

Izumi giggled and Itachi grinned as he ordered two bowls of miso ramen.

As their food arrived, the departure of the Namikaze-Uzumaki family had also came upon them. Izumi and Itachi waved goodbye as Naruto yelled shouting "GET SOME ITACHI NII-CHAN!" and Menma was had his back faced them and did a "making out" impression with himself.

One word. Talent.

After dinner was over, they did the infamous check dance. Itachi insisted on paying since the ramen was only 13 cents each.

"Wanna go to the carnival? Maybe I can win you some prizes" Izumi said with a grin on her face.

"Sure thing my strong boyfriend!" Said Itachi with a girly tee-hee.

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