Rose Petals and Unique Rings

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Izumi's POV

Today is Itachi and I's 3 year anniversary and the current situation is me being mentally challenged and having problematic trouble attempting to find him a present he would enjoy but be memorable simultaneously.

Mikoto san, Itachi's mother and Kushina sanLord Hokage's wife, informed me that they would adjourn to help trouve for an impeccable present.

When gathered together, Mikoto and Kushina were perpetually lovely.

"I'm so glad my son ended up with such a darling girl like you!" Mikoto said.

"I only hope to wish my sons bring such a beautiful and sweet girl like you Izumi" Kushina pleaded.

" You guys are so sweet! I'm flattered!" I said as I blushed.

"So what do you plan on giving Itachi for your 3 year anniversary?" Kushina asked curiously.

"Well I'm not sure, I really need to get him something really nice and useful. IS THERE SUCH THING THOUGH???"

"What if he thinks it's nice but stores it away for forever but what if it's useless but bad quality what if it's both and he'll hate it and he'll hate me and think im shallow and useless and a bad girlfriend {pitter patter pitter patter pitter patter}.

" Oh my I thought I was the only one who did that" Kushina said as she giggled.

Don't worry Izumi I'm sure whatever you get him, unless hell freezes over, he'll absolutely love!"

Mikoto soon joined in "You know I think he'd probably enjoy some dumplings, the ones from when you had your first little "date" when you guys were children." she said.

"That's actually a brilliant idea! I'll make an enormous dumpling and dango tower!" I exclaimed.

"But I still need something else that he can keep. I don't think he'd like to put a dumpling cake in his drawers for the rest of eternity."

We all talked for a couple hours and sat down and got some food. Soon Kushina had to go home and cook dinner for Lord Hokage and her children... or watch Lord Hokage cook dinner for her and the children. That my friend, is a perfect example of the right type of man.

It was then just me and Itachi's mom. We mainly focused about Itachi and his childhood, which I enjoyed very much since she slipped snippets of little embarrassing stories about my little Itachi-kun.

"So have you decided on what you're getting Itachi yet?" She asked.

"Well I was thinking of getting Itachi a kunai with our names written in it with some quote or something, I really hope he'll like it."

I said. "I'm sure he'll love it, now lets go over here and sit under the bucket at the romantic and beautiful tree in the middle of the town" she said, urging me to skip over.

The bucket poured out and hundreds of rose petals on me. I stood still for a moment as I was completely coated in rose petals. I couldn't even see.


I heard a voice saying "dang that should've gone better like I planned"... Itachi
I laughed hysterically knowing the brains behind the project. I then caught a hold of some romantic music playing friends and family gathered around us a distance away.

Itachi's POV

I'm pretty upset that I messed that up... I feel even worse for laughing. Okay anyways what was I gonna say, oh right, I'm gonna propose duh. Let's see where were we. Okay I should start speaking words now.

"Izumi, you're the love of my life. We've been best friends since we were 8 and we started dating 8 years later. I'm so incredibly lucky to have such a hot babe in my life, and if you accept this ring,"

I then knelt down on one knee

" I'd like to have you for the rest of life, I want to grow old with you, I want to have children with you, I want to gossip with you and pitter patter to you all day, everyday for forever until we can't even mumble a word. I love you so much Izumi and I want to give you the most perfect life...Will you marry me?

"YES Of course a million times yes!!!" Izumi yelled "This makes my gift a million times worse than yours though!" She shouted as she jumped up and down. I smiled and leaned in for a deep, passionate kiss.

Everyone had been taping this so they're hand weren't attentive at the moment, which created a mixture of noise as I kissed my beautiful bride-to-be passionately as if there weren't a mob of friends and family surrounding us......Including Izumi's parents who can tend to be overprotective.

When the kiss broke, we both had vast, expansive smiles on our faces.

Everyone congratulated us and we gave a hot lord amount of hugs and small talk. I realized me and Izumi need to get a place of our own now that we're getting engaged.

Later that night

"Now that we're alone" I said as I smirked...

~ You know what happened ;) ~

The Next Day

Izumi and I stayed at a little hotel and I woke up before her, as usual. I shaked and shimmied her up, and this was one of the only times she was happy to wake up. We simultaneously exposed expanding grins as we got lost in eachothers eyes.

"Come on we need to get ready, we're going house hunting today." I said in a dragging yawn.
After a moment passed I heard a deafening and delayed reaction.

An ear splitting "YAY"rang through my eardrums, reaching my brain, perhaps damaging it.

Izumi and I instantaneously took a brief shower.

~ May have been together ;) ~

After the shower, we dried up and got dressed.
Izumi surprisingly got prepared faster than me. Once I finished, I spotted Izumi flicking her wrist

"It's GORGEOUS isn't it!" Izumi said as she flaunted it. She then continued to say repeat 'vogue' repetitively with a new pose every time.

We both smirked and started talking about dogs. After that long conversation, we started to get more on topic about the house we were thinking of buying. We then started to walk out and look for some homes.

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