By the Dock

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Two days before the wedding

Itachi's POV
We've already decided on the foods after the food test tasting, but choosing the food was a crucial challenge.

For the main course, Izumi wanted squid, I wanted octopus, so we compromised and just decided to serve burgers. ON A STICK. Not the most elegant choice, but who doesn't love burgers? We also decided to have dumplings, chocolate forest cake, calamari (which is squid), and I decided to throw some octopi on skewers. We also threw in a salad bar some cool watermelon sculptures/carvings. Izumi and I have are going to have to sleep in different rooms for the night before the wedding and I miss her already. Even though I'm gonna see her tonight.

Shisui, my best man, just threw me my bachelor's party . It was just a bunch of blondes surrounding Shisui and Jiraiya sama. Jiraiya is one of the legendary sannins and I'm pretty sure Tsunade sama and Jiraiya sama have a thing going on......not so sure how that's going.

I also got Jiraiya's autograph since I've been reading his.. Very educational novels. Such an inspiration. He usually isn't in the village because he usually goes out and explores the world. I hear he's settling in the Leaf Village for a while. Apparently he invited himself to the wedding but that's totally fine by me. Not sure about Izumi. She's been stressing out a substantially.

But there's that one remedy. Alcohol. I guess it's time to go home and check up on Izumi. I have to take a few stops before I head home though. 

Izumi's POV

After all this wedding planning stress, there have been three remedies that have helped me get going. Soap operas, my lovely fiance Itachi, and the most effective, alcohol. Especially vodKA.

I know I sound like a complete douche, being that my wedding planning is probably the only problem in my life, but... I have no good way to defend myself from being a douche after saying that. Ah well. I'll just have a teeny bit more of this vodka. I sip and sip and uh oh the bottles already gone. "Twenty-six bottles of vodka in the trash, twenty-six bottles of vodka".

I laid down on the therapy couch I bought and just went into a dream...

In the dream..

"Itachi-kun!" I ran up to him as he was at the dock on the lake. The place where we had our first little date as kids, where we ate dumplings. We also practiced our fireball jutsu there and perfected it, as it was a signature move for the Uchiha, minus our overpowered Sharingans.

Itachi was glued down to the dock, his feet dipped in the water, as he turned around by the call of his name. "Izumi! What are you doing here?" . I went up him and knelt down as I gave him a kiss. "Hi" I said smiling. I've been falling for Itachi but I never had the guts to admit it to him. We've been dating for four months now and I think I've known I've loved him for three of those months. I was always just too afraid to admit it and I wanted him to say it first. Something hit me and realized that I don't need him to say "I love you" to me first. I love him goshdarnit and I'm gonna go tell him how I really feel. Only time I was thankful that an anvil hit me in the head. Not one concussion. Just a few stitches and bruises.

"Listen I've been meaning to tell you something Itachi. I don't care if you feel the same way but I hope you do, or this would be awkward. BUT IT'S NOT AWKWARD " I started yelling. "I LOVE YOU AND I WANT THE WHOLE WORLD TO KNOW. I LOVE UCHIHA ITACHI. I'VE BEEN WANTING TO TELL YOU FOR LIKE 3 MONTHS NOW, WELL MAYBE EVEN LONGER LIKE THE FIRST TIME I LOCKED EYES WITH YOU  AND I WAS ALSO TOO SCARED TOO BECAUSE YOU STILL MAKE ME NERVOUS EVEN THOUGH I FEEL SO COMFORTABLE  AROUND YOU AND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND..." I kept rambling on, he eventually put his pointer finger up at me, signalling me to calm down, or just stop. I saw a smile on his face with a wide mouth open and he yelled, " I LOVE UCHIHA IZUMI. I THINK SHE'S THE LOVE OF MY LIFE. AND THIS ISN'T AWKWARD! I'VE LOVED YOU FOR PROBABLY THAT LONG TOO, IF NOT LONGER!"

We caught a glimpse of onlookers peeping below us at the lake as we jumped up and down and soon kissed in the moment. They quickly walked away and started talking about us inaudibly, I honestly didn't care if it was good or bad. I love his man and he loves me back!!!

"I want to be the friend you fall hopelessly in love with. The one you take into your arms and into your bed and into the private world you keep trapped in your head. I want to be that kind of friend. The one who will memorize the things you say as well as the shape of your lips when you say them. I want to know every curve, every freckle, every shiver of your body.
I want to know where to touch you, I want to know how to touch you. I want to convince you to design a smile just for me. Yes, I do want to be your friend. I want to be your best friend in the entire world!"

I instantaneously felt shaking. "Izumi! I think there's an earthquake. Izumi!" Itachi screeched. "Izumi!"

I woke up, there towering over me, was Itachi. "Wake up babe."
My eyes shot completely open. I groaned as I had a massive headache. I checked the time and It was only 2:36 in the morning.

"Hey Itachi. I was just dreaming about the time we first dropped the L bomb" I pronounced as I massaged my forehead and closed my eyes, not dilated and still sensitive to the new bright lights we installed. 


"How could I forget?" "I bet they could hear us confess our feelings to each other all the way from to suna." He said with a proud voice. "Have you been drinking again?" he asked in a concerned and slow voice. "No....."

"Okay that's it I'm cutting you off. There's probably around twenty bottles of "VODLKA" in the trash right now" He croaked. "Twenty six." I quietly whispered, correcting him.

He apparently heard. Wow I'm loud when I'm intoxicated. Or because he's basically trained for these kinds of situations. Not this in particular, but you catch my drift.

I noticed his eyes widen. "OKAY NO MORE ALCOHOL FOR YOU!" he squeaked. I simply groaned and dozed back to the comfort of slumber. The last thing I heard was his sigh.

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