Sushi Shisui

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Izumi's POV

Itachi and I were talking the whole night. He then dozed off to a sound sleep. I tucked him into my covers and straightened his head so he wouldn't wake up stiff. I slept right next to him, I was too drained to even change from my attire.

Actually, it turned out to be too uncomfortable.
I then changed into my shorts and old shirt and fell asleep right away. When I woke up, I was surprised with the non-present body beside me.

After slapping the bed a few times, I heard a crinkle under my hand.

Dear Izumi, Thanks for tucking me in last night
I didn't mean for my stay
to be that long. I have a mission in the morning
Wanna meet up later?.....
Girlfriend ;) ??
-Itachi <3

Major butterflies flew into my stomach. My pumping aorta beat in my chest.

I decided I wanted to get some girl time with Hana Inuzuka.  Since I had no missions today and I've been training intensely non-stop last week, I decided that I'd rather hang out with friends instead of doing training.

Hana and I were buddies from the academy since we were children, we bonded over our adorations of dogs.

Hana and I carelessly decided to splurge on kimonos and try on ever piece of clothing around town. When we settled down to eat, we began to talk about basic locker room gossip.

"So Izumi, what's up with you and Itachi?" Hana said with a mischievous smirk on her face.

That comment alone made me blush and tingly.

"Aww you're blushing!" she teased. We both chuckled.

"Well I think we're dating. He called me his girlfriend... I also called him my girlfriend." I said giggling.

We both split the check since neither of us would give in for the fierce check dance. Hana then had to depart because she had to tend to her dogs. I waved goodbye and skipped around town with shopping bags equipped in each hand.

While I was cantering, I spotted one of Itachi's close friend, Sushi Uchiha. I've seen him many times before, we in fact used to be neighbors. Every time we'd see each other, we would just simply smile or nod nonchalantly.

"So you're Sushi Uchiha?" I asked.
I've always heard how extremely powerful he was.

"Yep" he said, flexing his biceps. "Wait no it's Shisui. SHE/SOO-WE. As in WE would be hot together." He seductively serenaded as he stared directly into my eyes and began to kiss his beloved muscles.

Subsequently after his 'move', I began to sense the feeling he was coming on to me. All the girls around us kept staring at him and he winked back with delight and arousal.

For ten bland minutes, he was talking about his biceps and then he finally asked the question. A question that should've been asked around 20 minutes ago.

"So what's your name" he asked with a tyrant, hunky voice.

"Izumi Uchiha" I said with pride.

His smile turned horizontal and his eyes contained defeat.

He stayed silent for a couple seconds. "I..You're Itachi's girl right? I had no idea."

Yeah I could kind of tell. Should've said that aloud to bask in the awkward ambiance.

Subsequently after that strange encounter,  a hand pressing down my butt. "Woah there ya flirt" I blurted. Luckily it was only Itachi.

"Oh hey Itachi. Look who I found."

"Shisui!" he said with a surprised voice "You've already met. This is my... girl...friend.....Izumi"

Itachi said shly. "I haven't really told anyone else that we're dating."

I ignored that second part and bathed in sunlight and joy at the world "girl...friend".

"Okay little chan chan" Shisui said snorting. "Well I'm gonna go to that hottie over there. According to my calculations, she's dumb and gullible." Shisui mentioned as he eyed the blondie at 10 o'clock, squaring her with his fingers.

Itachi clutched my hands which were fuller than mine.

"Hey I know that I've never asked you, trust me I would have long ago, but do you wanna be my girlfriend. I already consider you as mine anyways."

"Itachi I already consider you as my girlfriend too!" I said giggling with sarcasm filling up every inch of pleasurable awkwardness. I hugged him firmly and Itachi gave me a peck on the lips, which was impossible to dodge. Not that I would resist...

(A/N Bit of a time skip, I can't not write flirty cutesy drafts without cringing at every word ❤️)

Exactly 3 years later: Izumi and Itachi are both 19, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura are 13 and in Team 7 (Kakashi), Izumi still Chunin, Itachi and Izumi are still hot.

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