Princess Leia of Konoha

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June 9
Itachi's Birthday

I do not own the songs 'Like a Virgin' by Madonna or 'Beat it' by Michael Jackson so don't come for me, Quincy you snake. You guys probably don't get that.

Izumi's POV

Today is Itachi's birthday. The big two-zero. That calls for getting him twenty birthday presents because I'm just that extra! I got him nineteen ample gifts, and one immense gift that any living person would either love, or hate. Positive he'll be swooning tonight.

Itachi was away on a mission, so that gave me copious openings for abundant surprises when he arrives home.

While I was engaged in the detailed aesthetics of the decorations, I was, of course, getting hungry. I then taped my french fry basket to my waist and scurried off to find gift wrapping paper. There was only Christmas wrapper paper but that'll do.

"Perfect!" I said with a mouth full of fries. I have too much free time.

After I wrapped a polyester striped scarf, new training boots, a matching dumpling pillowcase set, a red shinobi teddybear, a new egg pan, a furry winter coat (so he can match with me), a Mulan DVD; he really likes that movie, a portable fan, a black side bag, a kunai carved with our names all over it, a giftcard to his favorite dumpling and dango stand, the new Michael Jackson CD; he sure loves that, three new training gear sets, training weights, a black stainless steel water bottle that sure does keep your water cool, another Icha Icha Paradise volume; his favorite book series, a white towel with his name sewn on by yours truly, at least 2308745083716250927238707858207439855986235086034873047youdidn'treadthatnumber~ durable unbreakable hair ties, and one monumental surprise, I scattered red balloons and blue streamers all over the house.

A/N Did anyone actually read that whole paragraph of gifts? ^^^

"I made it through the wilderness, somehow I made it througougougough. DIDN'T KNOW HOW LOST I WAS UNTIL I FOUND YOU. I WAS BEA--"

I was dejectedly interrupted as Itachi flew through the door.

"BEAT IT, BEAT IT, BEAT IT, BEAT IT, NO ONE WANTS TO BE DEFEATED!" Itachi sang as he gaped in awe from the decorations.

"Hey babe!" He said cheerfully

"How was your mission!"

"Went well, who cares. DO I HAVE GIFTS? " Itachi asked rushed and impatiently with puppy dog eyes.

"YOU SURE DO!" I hopped off of the stool and gave him a cloying kiss.

"You did an unbelievable job on the decorations!" he complimented.

"Why thank you lover! Now sit down so you can enjoy your home cooked dinner!"
I quickly ripped off the price tag sticker from container with steak and potatoes stuffed inside.

"Here! It should taste amazing." I said as I passed it to him.

He instantaneously dug in.

"No need to be hasty! You're gifts aren't going anywhere." I stated as I giggled watching Itachi gobble every bit my 'home cooked' meal.

As Itachi finished vacuuming his meal, I presented a gift to Itachi.

"I wonder what it could be!!" He squealed as if he was impersonating a five year child opening gifts on Christmas.

As he tore through my hard work of wrapping, he found Sailor Moon socks!

"THANKS BABE!" He pecked me on the cheek, and the same routine happened whilst tearing through the 18 other gifts.

Itachi chirped joyfully as he put the Michael Jackson cassette in while playing with his presents and twirling his hair.

"Okay so sweetie, I got you 19 gifts and I got you one more since it's your special 20th ayee! Under one condition, you have to find it. By the way, it's somewhere in the kitchen." I mischievously smirk.


He hopped up from the carpet and skipped to the kitchen. As he scavenged throughout each crevus of the kitchen for a minute, he swiftly grabbed a couple dumplings.

"Hey! Keep looking."

Anxiousness sunk deep in my stomach.

Itachi then opened the oven and found peculiar objects.

"What are these?" He questioned as he picked up the dome shaped pastry.

"Babe!!! ----- You're getting a boob job!"

"No!" I hissed hostile.

I smacked the non sense out of him right in the noggin.

"Well what are they???" Itachi asked scratching his head.

His adequateness had overcome him.

"Buns?" He guessed as he took a bite out of one.

"Anddddd where was it??" I asked with a delightful grin attached on my face. My sly innuendoes were apparently paltry.

"The ov---"

As my incredibly intelligent husband shaped an "o" with his mouth, I screamed in hysteria.

Itachi soon joined and began jumping up and down.


Itachi then squat down so he was eye level with my abdomen and gave it a kiss. He then gave me an affectionate kiss and a tender hug.

" Izumi, you've made this happiest day of my life."

"Well, it was a team effort after all." I remarked.

I was in delirious shock when I found out, but I couldn't help but feel jubilant and lively.

"So if there were 2 buns, are we having twins??!" Itachi questioned cheerfully.

"Actually there was just a buy one get one free at the market and I thought we would have done some role playing, but you already ate out of one." I teased as I raised my eyebrows.

Itachi's POV

Izumi had just informed me with brimming, joyous news. We're having our first child together!

"So when did you even find out?" I questioned with a 20 minute old smile still latched to my face.

"Well, I thought I was the last day of the honeymoon since I was late, the only time I was actually happy I was late. I went to the doctor after a couple days after the honeymoon and I'm 3 weeks pregnant."She said while poking at her stomach containing our minuscule fetus.

"Luckily I quit drinking a few weeks ago...." She said as she sunk into the couch and started to sniff.

"Hey hey it's okay!!" I said, reassuring her. "Just no more vodka.." I convincingly taunted.

We then began to snack on the buns, we were also talking about which room the nursey would be in and when we should tell friends and family.

"Okay we've established that we tell them in 9 weeks so that way we can register for gifts for the baby shower in time unlike what happened at the wedding." I said eyeing at the out-of-aesthetic maroon pot next to the fireplace.

"Okay I guess we have to put all the booze in the attic now..." Izumi frowned as she caressed the alcoholic beverages.

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