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Wednesday, September 25, 1996
10:32 pm

"Y'know, you could've told me you were dating my brother. I wouldn't have been mad." You said to your closest friend, Casey Becker.

You sat on the tree swing in her front yard, gently swaying back and forth as you listened to the creaking rope above you. Casey's silence was replaced by chirping crickets as her feet idly kicked the rocks beneath her.

"C'mon Cass, I mean, you guys made it so obvious. With your googly eyes and his constant flirting, anyone could spot it from a mile away." You teased. Casey looked so relieved to hear you weren't upset with her, she couldn't help but smile.

You found out about their relationship last weekend, tipped off by a little birdy named, Randy Meeks. He caught them together at the video store and instantly spilled the beans.

"I'm serious! They were sucking face at the video store— in the porno section, for crying out loud! It was some serious R-rated stuff, and I mean nasty, sloppy—" said Randy before you had cut him off with an elbow to the ribs as you did not want to imagine your brother and best friend getting it on. Though, in Randy's defense, he thought you already knew.

"Seriously?" Casey coyly asked, leaning back against the tree. "I thought I hid it pretty well."

"Nope." You popped, grinning back at the blonde. However, the more you thought about it, the more your smile gradually fell. "Wait... is that why you broke up with Stu? It is, isn't it? Oh my God, you dropped Stu for Steven."

You were in disbelief, your mouth agape as you stared at your best friend.

"No! No way," She jutted her chin out as she denied your accusations. Though, her resolve fell the minute she saw your shit-eating grin. "Okay... maybe, but you cannot relay this to Stu. He'd kill me."

"I seriously doubt that. He's with Tatum now." You absently said while standing from the swing. You let out an exaggerated groan as you stretched your arms above your head, your shirt hiking above your belly button before you pulled it back down.

"Anyways, where is Steve? I thought you said we were having a scary movie sesh tonight." You said, scanning the area with wary eyes. For whatever reason, you were just hit with the oddest sensation of being watched.

"I don't know. He called earlier saying he was on his way," Casey pushed off the tree, frowning slightly. "What's taking him so long?"

You noticed how vaguely worried your friend looked, and took it upon yourself to reassure her. "I'm sure my brother just got caught up with his friends, that's all. He'll be here soon."

She nodded, a small smile tugging at her lips. "I think you're right."

"Of course I am. Now ask me what I'm craving."

"Hmm, let me guess..." She tapped her chin playfully. "Popcorn?"

"You know me better than my own mother." You grinned, throwing an arm around her shoulders.

"Right," She rolled her eyes. "Come on, let's head inside."

Casey turned into the kitchen to get the popcorn started while you split off into the living room to figure out which horror movie to watch. You scavenged through the box of VHS tapes that Casey had left near the TV. Your eyes flickered past Hellraiser, Cujo, and the multiple Halloween movies before landing on The Silence of The Lambs. Now that is a horror film that never gets old.

You heard the phone ring as you pulled the movie case from the box, and brought it to the kitchen. You could smell the jiffy pop warming up on the stove the minute you entered the room.

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