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Thursday, September 26, 1996
5:55 am

Due to the traumatic events of last night, you hadn't gotten a lick of sleep. The moment you'd believed you finally quieted your brain, gruesome images of Casey and Steve would flash, forever reminding you that you survived, and they hadn't. It wasn't fair.

After being informed of what happened, your parents arrived at the scene immediately, enveloping you in their tight embrace. Though relieved that you were okay, they were stricken with terrible grief once they had seen what happened to your brother. Your parents hadn't left their bedroom since you arrived home from the hospital.

Your injuries were minuscule. There was a bit of bruising on your right rib and a single butterfly stitch for the scratch on your cheek.

As you sat at your vanity, observing your reflection in the mirror, you felt sick. You began to apply concealer as your undereye bags were more prominent than usual, from both the mental and physical exhaustion.

You thought about skipping school, but you were afraid to be left alone after what happened. You feared the killer might come back to finish you off while your parents were out planning Steve's funeral. Your safest option was to go to school and surround yourself with other people. It may even take your mind off of what happened for a little while which is exactly what you need. A distraction.

Just as you were finishing up your makeup, there was a loud thud that came from outside your window. Through the morning darkness, you saw a familiar face appear in the mirror's reflection—your next door neighbor.

You frowned at the boy, standing to open the window.

"Billy, it's nearly six in the morning. What are you doing here?" You asked, watching as he crawled inside your room like he owned the place.

"Who moved the ladder? I had to climb up a tree to get in here." He heaved, brushing a hand through his hair.

"You can't be here right now, Billy." Your hands gently pushed against his shoulders as you tried to lead him back towards the window. It wasn't until he fully saw you in the light that he noticed the bandage on your cheek.

"What happened here?" His brows furrowed as he grazed the scratch with his thumb.

You winced, grabbing his hand to stop him from touching it. There was a sudden shift in his demeanor as he displayed concern through his serious expression.

You felt your sorrow flare back up in the presence of your childhood friend. Tears threatened to spill once more before you completely numbed yourself to the emotion. You did not want to cry anymore. You've already spent the entire night doing so.

"What's the matter?" Billy asked, seeing through your mind-numbing facade. You shook your head, looking down at the ground. You were unable to speak, afraid that you'd break down if you did.

"Hey. Hey, it's okay." He comforted you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders as he pulled you into his chest.

"No," You muttered, allowing him to hold you close as your face remained blank. "Steve's dead."

Billy shifted back slightly to express his shock, though the unsurprised look in his eyes went unnoticed by you. "...what happened?"

"I don't know. I don't think I've even fully processed what happened. It was out of nowhere. I mean, completely random." You pulled away, moving to sit down on your bed. As you did so, you inhaled sharply as an aching pain struck your bruised ribs.

There was a brief moment of silence before Billy sat down beside you, wearing an unreadable expression.

"I'm sorry." He apologized.

You gave a half-hearted smile as you shook your head, "Don't be. It's not your fault."

"Does it hurt bad?" He asked, glancing at your covered bruise. If you didn't know any better, you'd say he almost looked guilty...

"Not too bad." You said, quickly discarding the odd thought. "So, why'd you come here so early?"

Not that you minded, it's just... he normally shows up at a more reasonable time. Your parents were also not aware of his little late-night visits, and you wanted it to remain that way.

"Just wanted to see you," he said simply. You hadn't paid any mind to how close you were until you felt his leg against yours and smelled the unique fragrance of his cologne.

"You would've seen me at school." You quirked a brow at him.

"I wanted to see you now." He reiterated. Your body suddenly felt hot under his impassioned gaze as his words made you blush.

You abruptly pushed off the bed, creating room between the two of you as you turned to face him.

"I hope you don't flirt with other girls like this in front of Sidney." You pinned him with a stern look.

For the first time since he's arrived, you caught his lips curling into a smile. You couldn't help but internally fawn over the sight as he fell back onto your bed.

"The jig is up now. You caught me." He sighed dramatically.

You've never mentioned it to anyone before, but you have always sort of had a thing for Billy. He may not be as outgoing as some of your other friends but that's what originally drew you in. He has always had this mysterious charm to him that was difficult to ignore. But boy, did you try.

You felt guilty for even thinking it as he's dating your friend. You've kept and will continue to keep those feelings at bay for Sidney's sake.


"Yeah," he said, sitting upright.

"Thank you for coming. You helped distract me for a little bit." His eyebrows lifted, surprised by your sudden expression of gratitude.

Billy never considered himself a sentimental person, but when it came to you, he could make an exception. "Any time." He said.

"But, you should really get going. My parents will wake soon, and you can't be here when they do." You said while grabbing his hands and forcing him up from the bed.

"You're no fun." He pouted as you pushed him towards the window.

"I won't be any fun six feet under either, and that's where I'll be if you stay."

"Alright, alright. I'm going." He held his hands up in surrender.

You watched as Billy crawled back through the window, hovering on your roof for a second before looking at you.

"Oh, by the way..." You hummed in response, confused as he scanned your body with a smirk. "Nice briefs."

Your head tilted down as you stared wide-eyed at the boxer briefs you wore, embroidered with red hearts. You completely forgot you were still wearing your PJs, and Billy gladly took the opportunity to tease you for it. By the time you looked back up at your window, he was already gone.

You chewed on your tongue, biting back a smile. That cheeky bastard.

Tear You Apart || Billy Loomis & Stu Macher Where stories live. Discover now