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she chugs a strawberry smoothie, driving to her next job site. it's been a while since she's been paid after everett's mother believed he didn't need to be looked after anymore.

her new client's name is elijah willams, yet that's all she knows, as she reads through the file before getting out of her car.

she knocks onto the apartment door and takes a deep breath, a smile forcing its way onto her face. "hello, i'm fiona letkum. i'm here to help you and your son?"

"nice to meet you," a woman says gruffly. there are bags under her eyes, and she invites fiona in with a wave as she is led down the various hallways. "i should warn you: he's been blind since birth, so not much as changed for him. me, however... it's getting harder to keep up with him as i get older."

she follows the woman into a bedroom, which is a neutral gray with neutral bedsheets and... everything is so neutral and boring. and depressing.

there is a boy sitting on a plush bench by the window, staring out of it even though he can't see. his red hair is vibrant but beautiful, and when he turns around, his face is set into a scowl. he looks to be in his mid-twenties, maybe a year or two younger than herself. "i've already has my mother take care of me for my entire life like a child. i don't need another damn babysitter. you can go."

"i'm sorry. i've been hired to help take care of you, though i know you're quite capable of taking care of yourself. it's nice to meet you," she fills her words with kindness. "i'm fiona."

"i don't care."

"too bad."

she walks over to plop to him on the window seat and takes his hand, opening his closed fist. "here."

she places one of the oatmeal chocolate chip cookies she made that morning into his palm. he surprisingly takes it, chewing with no expression at all. "this doesn't mean i like you or want to talk to you."

she shrugs. "doesn't mean i like you either."

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