Chapter 1 [The Meeting]

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"Ahhhh! Im gonna be late! Im gonna be late!" Atsumi shouted out as she ran across the halls of her school. Atsumi Hazuki is a first year in Watobi Nami highschool. Because of her obsession with anime and manga she often stays up late at night which causes her to be late.

Atsumi gasped seeing the time on her watch. "Ahh! Im so gonna be late!" She ran faster as she struggled to keep her breathe. She saw her classroom and sprinted right to it not caring if she bumped into anyone. She ran to the door and thrashed it open entering inside. The bell rang and she began to catch her breathe. "You just barely made Ms.Hazuki, get to your seat." Ms.Hina said glaring at Atsumi. "God, that was close." Atsumi said to herself as she sat down and pulled out her textbook. "Students, we have a new student today. She's all the way from America so be nice to her" Atsumi stopped for a second and looked over at her teacher noticing a girl next to her. She had long pink hair flowing down to her waist. She had one braid dangling from her bangs. Her baby blue eyes scanned the room and she went infront of the class. "My name is Yuki Lovecharm. I am from America it is a pleasure to meet you all" she said smiling.
As she looked around the class she made eye contact with Atsumi. Atsumi blushed and smiled back. "Alright. Sit were either you want. I hope you enjoy your time here" Ms.Hina said smiling. Yuki nodded and sat down right next to Atsumi. Atsumi smiled and waved at her"Hi! My name is Hazuki Atsumi. Are you really from America?" She asked curious. Yuki smiled and laughed "Yes i am, this is my first time being in Japan. Everything seems so different here" Yuki said looking over at Atsumi. "Well I've been living here for 16 years. Your really gonna enjoy Japan. I just now it" Atsumi said smiling. "Ahem. It nice that you made a new friend Ms. Hazuki but this information could be useful to you." Ms.Hina said angrily glaring at Atsumi. Atsumi laughed awkwardly "Ahaha. Sorry Ms.Hina im paying attention now!" Atsumi said. "I really hope so" Ms.Hina said going back to her chalk board. Yuki smiled and laughed a bit.

[Time Skip: 4 Hours]

"Yuki! Come on lets go have lunch together!" Atsumi waved at Yuki holding a bento box. Yuki looked back at Atsumi blushing a bit. "Lunch.. together?" She asked. "Of course dummy. Now come on!" She laughed smiling brightly. Yuki smiled back blushing red. She took out a pink bento box with roses on it. "Oooo pretty! Your bento is so cute!" Atsumi said looking at the bento box. "Oh. My mom bought it for me. "She said smiling. " Well come one! I need to eat!"Atsumi said grabbing Yuki's arm. Yuki blushed and laughed"Alright. Alright let's go"Yuki said. They went outside and sat on a tree by a large tree in the school courthouse. As they ate two figures could be seen by a window which appeared to be two girls."Hmph. They dont seem strong enough. Are you sure these are the right people?" The first girl said. "Dont worry. They are. Atleast i hope they are. He's getting stronger everday. We have not time to doubt." The second girl said. The first girl sighed "I hope your right about this" The first girl said.

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