Chapter 8 [Best Friends]

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Yuki stretched out her bow and the arrow flew at the monster. The monster screamed and fell down. "Look! I took it down aren't you proud of me?!" Yuki yelled out. Seth clapped his hands."Impressive.. Very impressive, to bad you wont be alive to see the rest." Seth said laughing as he suddenly used his magic and all the girls where thrown across the school expect Yuki who looked behind her."Seth! What did you do to them?!" Yuki said angrily. "The weren't supposed to be hurt!" Yuki said. "Haha! Did you think that I was actually going to keep my promise!? You where just a little puppet for me and now I don't need you!" Seth said as he threw her across the school. Seth began laughing as he used his magic and made the dead monster alive again. "Go my little puppet! Kill them all and bring me back Elincia unharmed!" Seth said. The monster flew at them. Elincia and Shinigami pulled out their weapons as they rushed towards the monster. Shinigami jumped on it's head and stabbed it's head. The monster screeched and Elincia threw her swords into the monsters heart. "Alright.. I guess I'll need more" Seth said. Suddenly 6 more carnivores appeared. Elincia took back her swords and ran towards the monsters."Shinigami aim for their eyes! I'll takecare of the rest!" Elincia said. "Right!" Shinigami said. As the girls fought Atsumi and Yuki layed on the ground both severely injured. "A-Atsumi.... Im so sorry... Please forgive me." Yuki said returning back to her regular form. "It's alright... You were being used..."Atsumi said smiling tears rolling down her cheeks. "We need to help them.. Even if we are hurt... We need to help them." Atsumi said. "Of course.. Heheh" Yuki said chuckling a bit. The two girls helped themselves up. Yuki was her regular self but she had kept her transformation. She was now a proper guardian and her true self. "We are Guardians of the Earth! We will defeat you!" The girls said. Yuki closed her eyes and two large white wings on her back appeared. She flew into the sky and began to shoot at the monsters. Atsumi smirked and ran at the monsters. She yelled and began to slice down the monsters one by one. "Finally! Your here! Time for the real fight!" Shinigami said stabbing the monsters with her daggers and kicking them into each other. All the girls where busy fighting the monsters. "Crap! There stronger than I thought. I guess it's time for plan B." Seth said. "Your mine Elincia! Seth yelled pointing at Elincia. Elincia turned around and saw him. She gasped "It's him the man from my dream!" Elincia thought to herself. She continued to fight but looked over at Seth constantly"He's not doing anything.. What is he thinking" She said to herself. All of a sudden a monster appeared out the ground and grabbed Elincia. She screamed and transformerd back into regular student council uniform. "Let me go! Ahhh! Guardian of the Earth! Dress up!" She said but nothing happened. The girls gasped and looked over at Elincia. "Elincia!" Shinigami said screaming out. A hole appeared in the ground and the monster and Elincia fell threw it. "Shinigami!!!!" Elincia said. "Elinciaaaa!!!!" Shinigami said rushing over to the hole. The hole disappeared with Elincia and the monster along with it. The monsters all disappeared along with them. The girls gasped all shocked at what happened. Seth laughed. "Finally... Your mine.. My cute little hostage... Hehe" Seth said laughing. "You! Where is she?!" Shinigami said rushing towards him preparing to stab him. He disappeared and shinigami fell over. "Damnit!" Shinigami said punching the ground. "This... This is all my fault... Elincia." Yuki said crying. Atsumi took her katana" There's no time for blaming yourself. Come on Yuki,Shinigami lets go find our Elincia!"Atsumi said. Shinigami stood up."Right.. Lets go" she said. Yuki nodded. "Perfect... Soon I will return." A voice said evily.

[To Be Contuined]

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