Chapter 10 [A new era]

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^[New Outfit. This is the outfit for all the girls expect for Elincia. Her outfit is the same but with some differences. I'll show the illustration in the next chapter]^

"Darling.... sweet child of mine... awake...use my power... escape" A soft voice was heard in the darkness where Elincia stayed. Elincia opened her eyes and found herself on her regular bed in her bedroom. She looked down, she was in her school uniform. "W-what?! Im back... In my room....Gah!" Elincia said but was interrupted. Her eyes went completely white and she saw a female figure. The figure smiled and began to say"Go.. I have released you... Go to your fellow guardians and help them.."The figure said. Elincia hung her mom open gasping. "W-who are you?" Eilncia said. The figure laughed "You will soon find out.. When you are ready.. Goodbye my sweet child. I shall see you in your dreams"The figure said and it disappeared. Elincia fell on the ground returning back to her regular form. Tears rolled down Elincia's face. "How was that and why do i feel so sad.."Elincia said. She sighed and whiped away her tears. "I cant cry now.. Not when my friends are in trouble.. Come on Elincia.." Elincia said standing up. "Guardian of the Earth! Warrior of this planet! Dress up!" Elincia transformed into her guardian outfit. "Take me to Watobi Nami Highschool!"Elincia said as she disappeared.

[Back at Watobi Nami Highschool]

"Ahhh!"Atsumi said as she fell over and her katana flew across the room. "Atsumi!"Yuki said as she ran towards Atsumi. Shinigami threw her daggers at the monster running on the walla and jumping at the monster attacking it. Atsumi got up and held her hand out. Her katana flew into her hands."I got this. Dont worry Yuki"Atsumi said. Yuki nodded and flew up to the ceiling stretching out her bow and shooting at the monster. It roared as it fell over. Atsumi ran towards it katana in hand. "Ahhhh!" Atsumi yelled out she sliced their the monster. Atsumi smiled and landed on the other side of the monster now dead. Shinigami and Yuki smiled. "We did it! We defeated it!"Yuki smiled laughing happily. "Not so fast!" Seth said smirking as he suddenly flew towards them holding a book "Dark Orbit!"He said as a dark sphere of engery flew at the girls. They turned their attention to it but it was to late. The shpere hit them sending them across the room. Electricity rained across the room shocking all the girl's body. "Ahhhh!" They all scremaed and fell over. Atsumi's body twitched along with Yuki's and Shinigami's. "God damn it... Just when were enjoying victory." Shinigami said. Seth laughed as he pulled out a sword. All the girls gasped. "No!"Yuki yelled out. "Yes! Time to die guardians! This is your final moments! Hahaha!" Seth laughed as he pointed his sword at them and swang. The girls closed their eyes waiting for death when all of a sudden a figure appeared. It was Elincia in front of them. As Seth's sword swang done Elincia moved forward taking the impact of sword. SLASH! Seth stopped smiling as he saw what he had done. Elincia fell over blood pouring out from her chest. "Elincia!"The three girls yelled. The girls got up despite the pain and rushed towards her said. "Elincia! No why did you do that?! You idiot ill never forgive you!"yelled out Shinigami as she started crying. "Elincia... No.. God please.."Yuki said crying as well. "Stop! We cant be crying now! She's injured! We have to get her to safety. "Atsumi said crying and shaking Elincia. "Its over for me. My time as a guardian of earth.. Is over.. May you all stay at peace with yourselves... I choice to do this.. Forgive yourselves."Elincia said in a cold tone her eyes fading away. "No never! Your job is not done! Where helpless without you! Were just teenagers!"Yuki yelled out. Elincia smiled and extended her arm towards Yuki putting her hand on her cheek"Come on.. You got this. You may be young but your all so determined... Yuki im glad i was able to see you grow.... Have fun you guys"Elincia said smiling. Her arm went limp and fell over. She slowly closed her eyes. "No!"Shinigami said. "I thought you where going to be with me forever... You promised me.. You would never leave me! Just like them! "Shinigami yelled out crying loudly. The three girls cried. Their emotions being completely let out. Meanwhile Seth stood there. He stared blankly at them. He looked towards his sword. "Damnit.. You weren't supposed yo die.. You where to stay with me..."Seth said in his mind. Suddenly a bright light sprang from Elincia's chest and a feminine voice erupted across the room. The voice sang sweetly"Darling children of mine. I give you the power to stand tall. Darling children. Soon we'll be together nothing can take you away. Listen to my song as you come together. Soon well be together with no one to say no. Just wait for me.. Until then i give you the power to stand up tall.." The voice said as Elincia's body stood up and floated in the air. Her eyes opened. She was covered with light. "Guardian of the Earth! I am Cosmos Guardain of space and time!"Eilncia said as the rays of light revealed her. Her hair now white and holding a staff which showed the sign of infinity surrounded by a upside down moon. Her eyes light blue. Her outfit was completely white. She had dangling earrings that where white and her collar was also white. The three girls gasped now looking up at their sister. Seth stepped back and dropped his sword. "Crap.. I didn't think she would unlock her true self this soon."Seth said to himself. "Seth! As one of the Guardians of this planet i can not allow you to destroy it or destroy the other guardians as well! Surrender or die!" Elincia said. Seth smirked"Yeag right... You may be more powerful now.. But ill get stronger.. Just watch and see and when the time comes i will take you away making you mines forever. "Seth said. Elincia held a stern face. Seth called out"Dark Lord take me!" He said as a dark light surrounded him. He smirked and Eilncia growled pointing her staff at him. He then went away being engulfed by the darkness. Elincia growled. She turned around. "Elincia? Is that really you?" Atsumi said. "Of course.. Hehe but for now on call me Cosmos. This not the end of him. He will try to come back but with you all at my side i know i can succeed and create a better world. "Elincia said now referring to herself as Cosmos. "Alright El- i mean Cosmos. Lets do this"Shinigami said. The three girls stood up and they all smiled. This was a new chapter of their lives for them. They had to be prepared for anything.

[To Be Contuined]

地球の守護者たち[Guardians Of The Earth] [The Beginning]Where stories live. Discover now