Chapter 6 [A Maiden's Heart]

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^[School Uniform]^

[4 days later]

"... Mmm" Yuki stared at the ceiling from her bed. She sighed sadly frowning and she stood up and went to her bathroom. She rubbed her eyes and looked into the mirror. Her eyes where red and she had bags under her eyes. "God. I need more sleep. "She said. She splashed water on her face and started to get ready for school. She brushed her teeth and picked out her uniform. "God, I feel so sick" she thought to herself as she dressed herself lazily. She picked up a brush and stared to comb her hair "When am i gonna transform? Its been more than a week. All I've been doing is training." Then a flashback of her and Atsumi training together appears to her. She sighs and braids her bangs into braids. She stands up and grabs her backpack and her transformation gem. She walks downstairs. "Im heading off mom! See ya!" Yuki said putting on her shoes and opening up her front door. "But you haven't eaten breakfast yet!" Her mother said. "I'll get something on the way." She said to her and wen't to open the front door. As she walked to school she remembered what Elincia said. "Dont rush things. You'll transform soon." Yuki sighed and pouted. "Soon is not enough for me. I want to be strong now. " she said to herself. "Yuki! Hey! Its me Atsumi wait up!" Atsumi yelled as she rushed to Yuki's side. "Oh Atsumi! Im so sorry I forgot we were going to walk together. Im so sorry!" Yuki said. "Nah its okay... Hey is there something going on? You've been acting really down recently. "Atsumi said worried. "Nothing! Nothing's going on. Everything's been okay, don't worry." Yuki said sweating a bit. She looks forward. "Mm. Alright, but you can tell me anything you know, we're friends."Atsumi said smiling. "Mhm" Yuki mumbled back to her. They continued to walk together not talking all the way to school. Once they got their they went together to their classes. Yuki looked out the window sighing heavily before putting her attention back to her teacher silently writing down notes. Atsumi laughed awkwardly as the teacher scolded her for falling asleep. The lunch bell rang as all the students prepared to eat. Atsumi took out her bento and smiled. She turned around smiling "Come on Yuki, lets go ea-" She stopped as she noticed Yuliana was not there. Atsumi looked confused as she looked around the room not seeing her. "Yuki? Did she go outside without me?" Atsumi said looking a bit hurt but got her stuff and went outside to try and find Yuki. Yuki had gone up the roof. She looked down at all the students and sighed. Tears threatening to spill. " God.. I cant take this anymore. I have to do something, anything to trigger my transformation." She said tears spilling down her check. "If your that desperate.. Then why dont I help you? "A mysterious male voice said out of nowhere. "Who's there?" Yuki turned around quickly. She looked around not seeing anything. "It must be my imagination. "She said. "Oh dear, its definitely not" The voice said again. Suddenly a man with long purple hair in a ponytail came out. He had blood red eyes and pale skin. He was dressed in a black suit. He then smirked. "My name is Seth and I am one of the oringal holders of the legendary weapons" He said. "Y-you know about them? The monsters? The king?" Yuki asked. "Of course, I was one of the originals and I have come back to help you. " He said. "B-but that was so long ago, you look too young to be one of them" Yuki said. "This is just a disguise. I am here to help you transform! Then you can be just like the others and fight along side your precious friends. Dont you want that? To help them and show them your strong enough too? I can help you. Just trust me" He said. "I-I dont know, Elincia said not to rush it. It takes time. "She said. "E-Elincia said that. Heheh she's just lying to you. Didn't you see how fast Atsumi transformed?" He said smiling. "H-how do you know that?" Yuki said scared. "I've been watching you all. Looking after you making sure that your on the right path. I just want to help. Please trust me.." He said. He grabbed Yuki's wrist and made her look directly into his eyes. They turned red and as Yuki looked into them she could feel herself feeling light headed. Her eyes turned dark and her skin turned pale. Her hair turned gray as she softly said"I....I... Trust you master. Tell me what I need to do. " she said in a bland tone. Seth laughed and let her go. "Perfect. This will definitely please my master... Im coming Elincia.. Just wait." He laughed evily as Yuki stared at him blankly. "Atsumi" she said quietly.

[To Be Continued]

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