Chapter 7 [Her Time]

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"Yuki! Yuki! Hey!" Atsumi said yelling out across the empty hallway as she ran in the hall holding her bag. "Where are you Yuki!? It's time to go to class!" Atsumi yelled out. She huffed and stopped running. "Where could she be?" Atsumi asked herself. All of a sudden a female laugh was heard. "Its me Atsumi, sorry I was on the roof." Yuki said, she looked different then she did in the morning. She had purple eyes and bright pink hair. She smirked and came out of the dark corner. "Yuki? Are you okay? Your hair is brighter. " Atsumi said confused. "Oh it's just a wig. Do you like it?" Yuki said smirking. "Uh. Okay, we need to get to class." Atsumi said. "Class is so lame, I'm skipping. Wanna come with?" Yuki said. "S-skiping? Yuki your not acting like yourself... You would never skip class. Is there something going on?" Atsumi replied. "Of course not! Im just tired of being a goody two shoes! If your too lame to skip class with with me then I guess I'll just have to go alone. Have fun in that miserable boring class. See ya later Atsumi. Hehehe~"Yuki smirked turning around and leaving. "What was that about? She's never acted like this before. I need to tell Shinigami and Elincia. "Atsumi told herself. She sighed and turned around to go to class.

[Time Skip]
"School is finally over. Yuki didn't come to class tho... God,whats going on with her?" Atsumi said to herself. Atsumi took her bag and went out the class. As she walked in the empty hallway she thought to herself about Yuki. As she walked she saw Shinigami and Elincia walking up ahead. "Elincia! Shinigami! Hey!" She said waving to them. The girls looked over at her and smiled. "Atsumi! Finally, I get to see you. Sorry me and Shinigami didn't have lunch with you. We where busy organizing papers in the student council room." Elincia said. "Its okay I get it. I've been meaning to ask you two about Yuki." Atsumi said. "What about her? Isn't she with you?" Shinigami asked crossing her arms. "No she isn't, she acted super weird when we were talking after lunch. Her hair was different and she didnt act like her usual self. She even said she was gonna skip class!" Atsumi said. "What?!" Both Elincia and Shinigami said at the same time. "That's not like her. She would never break the rules like that." Elincia said. "She's in major trouble, if she thinks she can just skip class like that. Thats an immediate detention! Where is she?!" Shinigami said. "Calm down Shinigami, first let's find Yuki and have a talk with her." Elincia said. "How about we check the roof? I have a suspicion she's there. I saw her going up the stairs in the hallway a while ago." Atsumi suggested. Shinigami and Elincia nodded as the three girls headed up the roof. Atsumi opened the door to the roof. The three girls saw a figure on the edge."Who's there?! This is the president of the student council show yourself!" Elincia ordered. The figure turned around and it revealed Yuki fully transformed with her weapon, which was a bow. She smirked and looked at the three. "Don't I look amazing! Look I've transformed! Now I'm just like you guys! Aren't you proud of me?" She said. "Yuki turn back!" Elincia said harshly. Yuki scoffed angrily "Grr. Yuki your not ready! There's obviously something wrong with you! Your not in the right state to transform" Shinigami said angrily. Yuki growled "Aren't you proud of me?! I finally transform and now your saying turn back?!" Yuki said angrily. Tears rolled down her cheeks. "Yuki! Were worried about you! Your not acting like yourself. This is to sudden." Atsumi said. "You'll never see me as nothing more than a weak little girl! I'll prove to you that im able to be a guardian!" She cried out and jumped off the roof. "Yuki!" The three girls said. They rushed to the edge and saw Yuki in the front of the school. They quickly transformed "Dress Up!" Atsumi said holding her katana. "Dress Up!" Shinigami said holding her deadly fans. "Dress Up!" Elincia said holding her duel swords. "We are the pretty prince warriors! The three girls said. They all jumped down and rushed over to Yuki. Yuki smirked "Great your here, now see my power! Carnivore appear!" Yuki yelled. All of a sudden a carnivore appeared flying over them lunging at them sreeching. "What have you done?!" Elincia cried out. The three girls looked at the beast flying towards them. "Finally, my chance to shine" Yuki mumbled laughing maniacally. Right behind them Seth stood smirking. "Perfect, all according to plan" he laughed alongside Yuki.

[To Be Continued]

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