Chapter 13 [The Festival]

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"FESTIVAL! FESTIVAL! FESTIVAL! YAHHHH!"Atsumi yelled as she jumped around her desk"A-atsumi! Dont jump around in class!" Yuki said blushing as she whisperd softly looking around the classroom. "Sorry Yuki but im super excited for the school festival! Bright lights! Fun games! Pretty outfits and tons of delicious food! "Atsumi yelled out smiling. "Hehe. Yeah... Ive mever been to a school festival before.. Well a japanese one that is."Yuki said. "Your gonna love it! Oh! I have a great idea! Why dont we wear kimonos to it! We'll look so pretty!" Atsumi said. "K-kimonos?! Im not so sure about that.. Ive never worn one before"Yuki said. "Oh no need to worry im sure you'll look beautiful in one!" Atsumi said. "Y-you think so?" Yuki saie blushing. Atsumi grabbed both of Yuki's hands. "I know so.. Now come on no time for doubts we better start getting ready!" Atsumi said. "Mhm! We better" Yuki said laughing.

[Secene Skip] Student Council Room
"Gahhhhh." Shinigami grumbled. Elincia turned her head."Is something wrong shinigami dear?" Elincia said. "Yes! And its a big one! The school festival!" Shinigami said angrily. "The school festival? I thought you liked them."Elincia said. "Not until i became vice president. The school festival is so much work! It takes hours of our time that we need!And we dont even get to participate!" Shinigami said. "Well... Thats the life of a student council member. We have to see to it that everything goes as planned. Sadly..." Elincia said doing paperwork. Shinigami grumbled"Goodbye my precious time. "Shinigami whimpered. Elincia giggled."Oh dear."she said giggling again.

[Day of the Festival]
"Yahhhh! Come on Yuki!" Atsumi said grabbing Yuki's hand. They where both dressed in traditional kimonos. Astumi was dressed in a pink kimono. Yuki was dressed in a purple kimono. "Come on let's go get some food!" Atsumi said grabbing Yuki's hand and running off with her. Their where multiple stands with bright lights and brightly lit lanterns. It was night time and the whole of the area was filled with music banners and bright lights. Their where muiltuplie students. Their where game stands and even a fortune teller stand. "A-Atsumi! Wait! Slow down!" Yuki said. "Oh yeah. Right.. Heheh sorry" Atsumi said stopping and looking back at Yuki. "Why dont we get something to eat first then we can go and meet up with Elincia and Shinigami"Astumi said. Yuki nodded and they headed to a food stand. Elincia and Shinigami both dressed in kimonos looked at the festival from faraway. "Hm..not bad, we did pretty good." Shinigami said. "Mhm.. But stay clear.. Seth might be lurking around especially since last time. It looks like he has a pattern of popping out of nowhere and who nows what he'll do now since Yuki and Atsumi transformed into their new forms." Elincia said. "It looks like it. We can't get to comfortable. Who nows what he'll do next" Shinigami said. Elincia nodded and crossed her hands. Meanwhile Yuki and Atsumi ate dangos. "These are amazing! "Yuki said. "I told you these where good! My mom used to make me these. My gramdma tried to make them one time. She always messes up trying to make them" Atsumi said laughing. Yuki laughed. The girls ate and talked to each other. All of a sudden a scream was heard. The four girls looked over at the scream and a long legged carnivore appeared. It had a long creppy smile. The carnivore screamed and multiple students ran away screaming. Atsumi and Yuki looked over at each other and once all the students where gone they transformed. "Guardians of the Earth! I am Opheila!" Yuki said. "Guardians of the Earth! I am Sirius!" Atsumi said. Elincia and Shinigami held hands as they both transformed. "Guardians of the Earth!" Shinigami said. "Guardians of the Earth! I am Cosmos!" Elincia said. The four girls looked over at the monster. Behind it was Seth." Did you all miss me?" Seth said smirking. "Not at all! Now die you creep!" Shinigami said. She took out her fans and jumped up over at the monster aiming for Seth. Suddenly Seth disappeared. Shinigami gasped and landed on the monster's head. She stabbed the monster and fastly got off thr monster. The monster screamed out and jumped at Shinigami. She flew up suddenly going over at Elincia's side. Yuki and Atsumi suddenly ran after the monster. Atsumi took out her katana wind flowing around her"Wind speed!" Atsumi sais as she flew at the monster and in the blink of an eye stabbed the monster as the wind blew away the monster and it flew into a large tree.Yuki smiled"Water Hurricane!" Yuki said as a huge hurricane of water was launched at the monster. The trees all were knocked down and the monster screamed out. Shinigami smirked and flew her daggers at the monster sticking him to a tree. Elincia pointed her staff at the monster. "Lighting spear!" Elincia said. Lighting flew at the monster in the shape of several spears and struck the monster. The monster screamed out and the monster evaporated away into dust. "We did it!" Atsumi said. "Not so fast!" Seth said as he suddenly appeared. "This was supposed to work! Oh well time to die!" Seth yelled angrily. Suddenly magic appeared in Seth's book and the ball of energy flew at the girls. Shinigami smirked and flew up and got in front of the energy beam. Her fans turned into a shield. The three girls gasped and looked at shinigami holding the fans as the energy ball contuined to hit the force field. "Damnit! No! Your not getting out of this!" Seth said as a second energy beam flew at the shield. Shinigami fell on her knees holding the force field. "Your not getting rid of us that easily! We wont die! We have a king to defeat!" Shinigami said. "No one will defeat my king! We will win! Hahaha!" Seth said. Shinigami stood up as she kept holding the shield. "Your wrong! Your king and you are weak! We'll defeat you easily! Just watch! You cant get to cocky!" Shinigami said smirking. Shinigami suddenly made another force feild. "You will lose!" Shinigami said. A sudden ray of light appeared on shinigami. Her outfit disappeared and was replaced with a new transformation outfit. Her gem suddenly appeared on her head and shinigami smirked. The energy beams changed place and where now facing Seth. Shinigami then threw the energy beams at Seth. Seth gasped and took his book and closed it. Dark mist appeared around him and just before the beams hit Seth disappeared. The beams went away. "Heheh" Shinigami laughed."Scaredy cat cant face death"Shinigami said. "Shinigami! You've transformed. !" Atsumi said. "Obviously. I gotta get more powerful to protect the world" Shinigami said smiled. "Looks like where all ready." Elincia said. "Yeah! We've all transformed!" Atsumi said. "Which means new powers! Yayyy! Did you see our attacks?!" Yuku said smiling. Elincia laughed"I wonder what powers you have Shinigami" Elincia said."We'll have to find out" Shinigami smirked. The four girls laughed together.

[Scene Change]
"Damn it! Damn it! I got defeated again!" Seth said. "Calm down Seth. In time we will defeat them and the world will feel my power! In the meantime keep an eye on Cosmos and do not harm her.. yet " a male voice said. "Of course your majesty. It'll be my pleasure" Seth said. Seth turned away and vanished into the darkness. He appeared back in a dark room. He grabbed something which looked to be a picture. In the picture was a photo of much younger Elincia smiling while hugging a woman."Oh little princess.... Soon you'll see the power of my fury and love oh and  Andormeda... You can't protect them forever. "Seth said cursing the picture and smirking.

[To Be Continued]

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