Chapter 15 [Him]

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^[New Seth. His appearance from now on.]^

"W-what in the world is this place?"Yuki said stuttering. The four girls looked at the large dark castle "I don't know but we have to get in."Shinigami said."Wait! We don't know what's in their. Could be dangerous." Elincia said. "We'll just deal with it! Seth is in there I know it! Now come on" Shinigami said. "Alright but we have to be cautious"Elincia said. The four girls nodded. Shinigami opened the large door. She popped her head in. It was dark with very little lighting. Their was a large fire place in the middle of the hall and two large stairs ways across from each other. Their were several doors on each side of the halls. The four girls went inside. They all gasped and looked around. "Shh. We have to be quite." Elincia said. Suddenly foot steps where heard. "Hide!" Elincia whispered. The four girls split up and each went into a different room. "Damn it.. Once again I'm beat by those little girls." Seth said walking down the stairs. As he hit the last step a portal appeared and he went in it. Meanwhile all the girls where in different rooms. Elincia was in a dark room covered wall to wall with clocks. Shinigami was in a large dining room. Yuki was in a room surrounded by photos and Atsumi was in a dark room. Yuki looked around the room "What the I can't see anything!" Atsumi said. Then a large scream was heard. Atsumi gasped and tried her best to find the door. She finally did and opened it running out quickly. Elincia and Shinigami followed after. The three girls met up. "Where's Yuki?!" Atsumi said. The three girls gasped and looked over at the walls. "I saw her go into that door!" Shinigami said pointing towards a door. The three girls ran into the door. They opened it showing Yuki who was on her knees "H-he was watching us from the beginning!" Yuki said pointing at the photos. There where multiple pictures of the girls. Them sleeping, at school, pictures of when they where younger and even a picture of Elincia and Shinigami at a funeral. The girls gasped as they looked at the pictures. They where speechless. "He-he was watching us! That bastard how does he have these pictures?!" Shinigami said. "I can't believe this "Atsumi said looking down. Elincia laughed."I knew it.. he's been watching us all this time.. coward. Let's teach him what happens when you mess with the Guradians of the Earth! Now lets find him!" Elincia said tapping her staff on the ground. The girls looked over at Elincia. Yuki sighed and got up. "Yes.. Your right. Lets go!" Yuki said. Shinigami and Atsumi nodded. "Now come on. We have to be careful and be ready for anything." Elincia said. The four girls headed out the door. Elincia was the last one. She looked into the room one last time before closing it. "Alright let's go" Elincia said. The four girls decided to go up the stairs. As they walked up the stairs none of them said a word. When they reached the start of the stairs They saw two halls across from each other. "Yuki and me will go right. Shinigami and Atsumi will go left. Come on, remember be ready for anything." Elincia said. The girls nodded and went their ways. "I wonder why Elincia split me up with you?" Atsumi said. "Because you and Yuki would probably get lost and play around"Shinigami said. "Hey! We would not!" Atsumi said her cheeks red. "Sure." Shinigami smirked. Atsumi's cheeks puffed up. Meanwhile Yuki and Elincia walked together down the long hall. "It feels like we've been walking for hours." Yuki said. "Well.. Who knows what this castle can do." Elincia said. Suddenly a bright light shinned at the end of the hall. The two girls looked over at each other. "What is that?" Yuki said. "I don't know but let's proceed with caution." Elincia said. "Right!" Yuki said. As they got closer to the light they realised the light was coming from a room. The two girls stopped when they got to the door. Yuki went to open the door but Elincia stopped her."Wait, we don't know what's in there. Get ready." Elincia said. Yuki nodded and got ready to attack. Elincia pointed her staff at the door, the staff glowed as it powered up. Elincia slowly opened the door. Both girls got into a fighting stance but instead of a monster there was a gold gem floating in the middle of the room surrounded by thorns all around the room. "What the?!" Yuki said."What is that?" Elincia said stepping closer to the door."That gem.. It looks similar to our transformation crystals."Elincia said. Elincia's staff suddenly turned into a spear and she cut the thorns out of the way. Elincia walked into the room and went over to the gem. She garbbed it with her hands. Suddenly flashes of a younger looking Seth with wings appeared. Flashes of him smiling, playing, flying, and a flash of Seth with a girl with long blue hair who appeared to be Elincia appeared. Then flashes of Seth running away. And a flash of Seth screaming as his memories where taken. "Seth! These four girls are devils! There monsters! "The king said. Elincia gasped and fell over. "Elincia!" Yuki said running towards Elincia. "Memory loss.. The king... He... Took his memories.. This is his memories.. I saw everything. His childhood.. He looked so sweet" Elincia said. Yuki gasped. "No! That's impossible! The king did this?" Yuki said. "Maybe.. if we give Seth the gem... his memories will come back..and he can be good. He looked so sweet, so nice, so peaceful. "Elincia said. "We can try! Now come on we have to go to the others!" Yuki said. The two girls stood up and Elincia placed the gem on her heart. The two girls ran out of the room. As they ran in the halls they heard a scream. The girls gasped and ran faster. They headed to the stairs. They then saw Seth holding Atsumi by the throat. Shinigami was on the floor unconscious. "Atsumi!" Yuki said taking out her wings and flying towards them. Seth gasped and Yuki said "Water wings!" Then her wings turned to water as they hit Seth sending him flying towards the wall. Atsumi fell over as Yuki caught her. "Astumi!" Yuki said. "Yuki! Your back! Seth.. he attacked us!" Atsumi said. "We know now come on!" Yuki said letting Atsumi down." About damn time you two showed up.. We could have died" Shinigami said standing up coughing up some blood. "We're sorry! We found out something! Seth's memories where stolen from him! The kings beenying to him!" Yuki said. "Damn! That bastard! Guess well have actually help Seth" Shinigami said. "Shinigami! Yuki! Atsumi! Hold Seth down! I need to get close to him!" Elincia said. The three girls nodded. "God.. My head" Seth said as he looked up. Daggers flew at him. Seth moved away landing on the floor."Gah!" Seth said."Water butterflies!" Yuki said as hundreds of butterflies struck him and he fell over. "Tornado!" Atsumi said as a large tornado aimed for seth and threw him to the wall. "Now Shinigami!" Elincia said. Shinigami threw her daggers at him. They stuck him to the wall by hos clothing. "Damnit!" Seth said. Elincia ran towards him holding the gem towards him. "Seth! Your memories!" Elincia said as she threw the gem at Seth. He closed his eyes and the gem entered imto his body. "Gahhh!" Seth yelled out. His eyes turned white and flashes of his old memories returned back to him. Flashes of him playing with four girls. Flashes of him playing with a pegasus. Flashes off a women next to him. "Seth, from now on. You shall look after my daughters and keep them safe. If I ever where to disappear or die I want you to guide them. Seth.. Will you accept this?" The women said. "Yes.. my queen" Seth softly said. Suddenly his dark purple hair turned into a light purple. Seth smiled as he sprouted large white wings. He was dressed in all white. He smiled and went over to the girls. They all gasped at what he had turned into. Seth smiled and went over to Elincia. He smiled and placed his hand on her cheek, Eincia blushed. "Im back... permanently." He moved closer to her their noses now touching. Elincia looked deep into his eyes. He closed his and pressed his lips on her's and softly kissed her. The three girls gasped."What the?! What the hell is happening here?! Can he do that?!" Shinigami said. "There kissing.." Yuki said her whole face turning bright red. Atsumi smiled "Wow! I didn't expect that!" Atsumi said laughing awkwardly as she blushed. Seth lauged and he broke their kiss. "Im finally back my princess!" Seth said smiling. "Princess?!" The four girls said.

[To Be Contuined]

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