Chapter 14 [Rest Day]

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"Elincia are you done yet?" Atsumi asked as Elincia came out of her room and nodded. "Finally!" Shinigami said standing up and heading to the front door while Yuki smiled to herself. "So, where are we going today?" Yuki asked Shinigami as she smirked. "To the mall!" Shinigami said as she opened the front door. "Yay!" Atsumi said running out the front door. As Elincia and Yuki giggled as they followed along.

[Time Skip]
"Wow.." Atsumi looked around in awe. "Atsumi.. your acting as if you never seen a mall before.." Yuki giggled as Atsumi smiled. "Come on let's go!" Shinigami said as Elincia nodded.
As the four girls walked around the mall Elincia stopped at a clothing store.  "Is it ok if we stop here?" Elincia asked as the girls nodded. They than walked inside the store. Elincia then proceeded  to grab specific clothing that she liked, most of them being plain t-shirts and some jeans. As she was doing that the rest of the girls were staring at the mannequins. "Look! It has bunny ears now. Yuki said putting bunny ears on the mannequin. "Why is the mannequin bald?" Atsumi asked as she poked its head. "I don't know." Shinigami said as she grabbed another mannequin and setted it down next to the other one. "Look there friends!" Atsumi said as Yuki giggled. "No. That's the older brother." Shinigami said as she grabbed one of the mannequins hands and began to hit the other mannequin making the other two giggle. "What are you three doing?" Elincia asked, she had a bag with her filled with clothes. "Nothing." The three girls said as Elincia smiled. "Well whose ready to eat?" Elincia asked as the girls nodded walking to the food court. As the girls each got what they wanted they went and sat down. "You know, I saw you three playing around with the mannequins." Elincia glared at the three leaving shivers down there spines. "You should know that playing around in the store is irresponsible!" Elincia said as the three girls nodded. "Ok mom." Shinigami teased as Elincia sighed finishing her food. "We really are sorry though Elincia." Yuki said as Atsumi was no where to be seen. "Huh where's Atsumi?" Elincia panicked. "Relax." Shinigami sighed as she threw her food away. "Let's go find her." Shinigami said as the other two nodded.  "Eeek." A squeal could be heard as the girls looked around. They walked to the sound. It was at a manga store. "Great..." Shinigami sighed as the girls walked in seeing Atsumi fan girl over one of the books. "Eeek! I wan't it." Atsumi said as she bought it. She turned around to see the three girls. "Um I can explain.." Atsumi said as the three girls giggled. Just then a scream could be heard. "Oh no.." Yuki said. "Let's go!" Elincia said as the girls ran out of the store soon spotting Seth. "Seth!" Shinigami glared at him as he just laughed. "Hahaha." Seth laughed as he put his hand in the air. A dark force was seen as four carnivores had spawned. They all had large creepy smiles. "Go on my carnivores kill them!" Seth ordered as the carnivores ran at the girls. "Guardians Of The Earth Transform!" They all yelled out. "I am Cosmos!" Elincia yelled. "I am Ophelia!" Yuki yelled. "I am Sirius!" Atsumi yelled. "And I am Pandora!" Shinigami yelled out as the girls transformed and landed on the ground each charging for a different carnivore. They fought the carnivores soon destroying each as they evaporated. "I'll get you next time!" Seth yelled as he jumped in a wormhole. "Not so fast!" The girls yelled as they jumped only the hole as well.

[Time Skip]

Just then the girls landed somewhere. Somewhere they didn't know of. "Where are we?" Atsumi said looking around. The place was dark and scary. There were ruins of a castle. The stones were dark, there we're broken down houses as well.

[To Be Continued]

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