Chapter 12 [Interruption]

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"Why?! Its Saturday!"Atsumi protested. She walked behind Yuki as Yuki giggled. The four girls walked on the trail of the large mountain. Elincia hummed to herself. "How can you wear heels Elincia?!" Atsumi said. Elincia smiled. "Well, I don't quite know Atsumi." Elincia said as the girls continued walking up the mountain.

[Time Skip: A Few Minutes Later]

"Where finally here!" Shinigami smirked as Atsumi took deep breathes. "That was quite a walk, wasn't it." Yuki said as Atsumi nodded. The girls walked inside the cave. "Split up." Elincia ordered as the girls nodded going there separate ways. "There's nothing here.." Elincia mumbled as she looked threw the cracks and behind the rocks of the cave. "Elincia there's nothing here." Shinigami said as Elincia nodded. The girls made there way out of the cave. "Not so fast princesses!" A male's voice could be heard as Seth was seen outside the cave. "Seth!" Shinigami yelled glaring at him. "So we meet again...Seth." Elincia said also glaring at the young man. "Let's get this over with! Carnivore rise and do as I say!" Seth yelled out as a carnivore came from the grown in front of Yuki. Yuki could sense the warmth coming from its breathe as her eyes widened. The carnivore let out a low growl. "Yuki!" Atsumi gasped as she pushed her aside, as the carnivore slashed Atsumi in the stomach making her hit the hard stones. "Atsumi!" The three girls gasped as they all changed to there forms. "Guardians Of The Earth! Dress up!" All girls yelled out as they all changed. Elincia's long blue hair changed into white hair. Shinigami grabbing her deadly fans as they appeared in front of her. And as pure white wings came out of Yuki's back and a white bow appeared. "How dare you do this to Atsumi you monster!"  Yuki said tears sliding down her cheeks as she flew down ready to attack the carnivore. "You foolish girl! You can't defeat me that easily!" Seth said laughing as he spawned another carnivore. The carnivore launched up at Yuki as she gasped. The carnivore went straight for her wings as it bit them causing Yuki to scream in agony as she fell to the floor landing right next to Atsumi. Both bodies fragile and not being able to move. "No! How could you!" Elincia screamed as she grabbed her duel swords and holded them tightly charging and Seth himself. Atsumi and Yuki got back up as they charged at the carnivores. "No! Atsumi, Yuki! Stop you'll get even more injured!" Shinigami yelled out, but both girls ignored as they headed straight for the carnivores. "Ahh, you little pests I'll destroy you!" Seth yelled as he spawned two more carnivores. Atsumi and Yuki launched at the carnivores no fear in there eyes. But maybe just maybe even a tint of excitement could be seen in there eyes. But Seth didn't stop there, he spawned one more as it launched at the girls. It was much faster then the others. "Die!" Seth yelled as Shinigami and Elincia couldn't move. It was as if they were frozen. "No!" Shinigami and Elincia yelled as all carnivores launched at the pink-haired girls. Just then a bright light was seen. The light blaster all the carnivores away from the two girls. "No it can't be." Seth gasped as the girls were both floating as there outfits changed. "We are Ophelia and Sirius!" They both yelled out. "I am Ophelia guardian of intelligence and compassion!" Yuki yelled. "I am Sirius guardian of purity and forgiveness!" Atsumi said as both girls landed on the ground. "We'll defeat you!" They said as they launched at the carnivores destroying each one. Occasionally helping the other. "Damnit. This won't be the last you see of me princesses!" Seth yelled as he disappeared. Yuki and Atsumi gasped as they changed back into there original form. Shinigami and Elincia made there way to the girls as they stared at them in shock. "You.." Shinigami mumbled as Atsumi nodded smiling. "Let's get back, we have a lot to discuss." Elincia said as all three agreed.

[Time Skip]

"So about what happened..." Shinigami said as Yuki looked at her. "What happened out there?" Elincia asked both girls. "Um, we don't really know.. all we know is that we kept fighting and then we transformed." Yuki explained as Elincia nodded. "That's one way to end the day." Shinigami sighed.

[To Be Continued]

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