Chapter 3 [The First Battle]

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^[Official magical girl outfit]^
^[Elincia Transformation]^

"Atsumi.... Yuki. I have something to tell you. This is could change your life forever. What im telling you is extremely confidential. You must tell no one. Not even your parents or closest friends." Elincia said with a serious face on. Yuki and Atsumi looked at each other as they entered the student council room. They didn't know what they where getting into. Elincia sat down on her desk and looked at them too. "Now sit down", Elincia said sternly. The two girls sat down curious. "Now, You ar-"

All of a sudden loud shrieks where heard from across the school "Ahhhh what is that?!", A voice said screaming. Elincia stood up and looked out the window. A giant black monster was seen. It had the body of a human. It was faceless and buff. It had large hands and teeth coming out of his legs and arms. Atsumi stood up and looked out as well. "What is that?!" Atsumi said sweating. "Not now, Not now", Elincia said to herself. "I'll take care of this. Get everyone out of the school!", Elincia said to them as she ran out. The two girls looked at each other. "Whats happening?", Atsumi thought to herself. As Elincia ran, she saw Shinigami running to her. "Elincia! We have to transform!" Shinigami said to her. "Right!", Elincia said back. "Guardians of the Earth!, Dress up!" All of a sudden bright light flowed around them. Their uniforms disappeared and white light replaced their uniforms. The white light went away as it revealed new outfits. The white light travled to their arms. As white delicate gloves appeared. Then white boats appeared on them. They had each gold rings. Elincia's hear grew longer going to her feet. Her hair turned into a light blue. Shinigami's bangs grew longer as they flowed in the wind. There eyes meet each other. Elincia held two duel white swords. Shinigami held her deadly fans which disguised her red daggers. They smiled to each other as they looked over at the monster. The two girls ran after it. Atsumi and Yuki looked at them gasping. "N-no way. They transformed", Yuki said blushing. All of a sudden a loud scream was heard "Ahhh! What the hell?! What are you?!", A boy said in the student council uniform. He had dark skin and black hair. He was sweating scared for his life. He layed on the ground unable to move. "Move!" Elincia said calling out to him. The boy got up trying to run away but the monster grabbed him. He screamed even more as shinigami jumped up to the monster landing on its head. She threw her daggers. They landed on the monster as it shrieked out. The monster let go of the boy as he ran away from it. As he ran he turned around and saw the two girls. "Who are they?" The boy said to himself as he ran away. "Elincia! Take care of it now! Its wounded!" Shinigami said throwing her daggers at the monsters legs. "Alright!" Elincia said running towards the monster. As she ran to it the monster got up and ran towards the school. As Elincia went to attack it the monster the monster ran past her. The monster was getting close to the school. Atsumi and Yuki looked at the monster. They screamed as they tried to run away. The monster got close to them as Yuki tripped. The monster was getting close and Yuki struggled to get up. The monster went to her grabbing her in it's arms and throwing her across the school. "Yuki!" Yelled out the three girls. Atsumi ran to her as Shinigami and Elincia looked at her body. Yuki was bleeding her eyes closed. Her body has still and cold. Atsumi grabbed Yuki's hands"Yuki! Please!" Atsumi tried to wake her up. Shaking her body repeatedly tears rolling down her checks"Yuki please. You can't! We were supposed to be together!", Atsumi said crying even more. The monster looked back at them and ran to them. Shinigami and Elincia prepared to fight the monster. running towards it. The monster quickly and easily tossed them aside. The girls deeply injured they went back into their regular form. The monster got close to Yuki and Atsumi. All of a sudden a bright light came from Atsumi's chest."Dress up!" Atsumu said as she suddenly transformed. She got delicate white gloves and long white boots. Her outfit flowing into a pink color just like Elincia and Shinigami's magical outfits. Her hair grew longer into two ponytails. She opened her eyes and gasped. She had just transformed. In her right hand she had a blood red katana. Elincia and Shinigami looked at her shocked. "She... She truly is a earth guradian. I knew it" Elincia said. "She... Is" Shinigami said even more shocked. "I... Transformed? Im... " Atsumi said smiling. She looked at her katana and back at Yuki. "I.. I can do this!" Astumi said as she pointed her katana towards the monster. "You will pay for this!" Astumi said loudly yelling at the monster.

地球の守護者たち[Guardians Of The Earth] [The Beginning]Where stories live. Discover now