[Ending] Chapter 18 [The Reveal]

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^[Queen Andormeda]^

hhhh!"Elincia screamed as she woke up from her bed. She breathed heavily and tears rolled down her checks. She looked over at her friends. Yuki was crying as she put her head into her knees. Shinigami had a blank expression. Atsumi was standing up from her bed. She turned around."What was that?! That dream?! I know you all had the same dream!" Atsumi said. "So we all had the same dream.." Elincia said. "That was horrible! Death.. Murder.. Blood!" Yuki said. "God knows what that was.. That felt to real to be a dream!" Shinigami. "The king! That dream was about what happened when the king's family was killed! We where seeing their deaths from their eyes!" Elincia said. The three girls gasped. "Elincia!" A voice was heard from outside. Then all of a sudden Seth opened the door harshly."I heard a scream! Are you all alright?"Seth said. The four girls paused all starring at Seth. Seth looked confused he then looked down at his body. "Ahh! My clothes!" Seth said. He was completely naked"You bastard why are you naked?! Get the hell out of here!" Shinigami said yelling at him. "Im so sorry!! I transformed back into a bunny! Whenever i go back to my regular form all my clothes are off me!" Seth said. "Well get out!!" Shinigami said throwing multiple pillows at him. Seth quickly left and ran back to his bedroom. "That's right! Never return you hear me?!" Shinigami said angrily. Both Yuki and Atsumi where completely red. "My precious eyes.." Atsumi said. "I just saw a naked man."Yuki said putting her pillow up to her face. Elincia was laughing trying to hide her nosebleed. "God.. that was something"Elincia said."Hey! Elincia you pervert!" Shinigami said. Elincia looked over at her still laughing. "Im sorry! Hahaa!" Elincia said blushing while laughing. Just then a flashback could be seen. It was of a cave. A cave that looked all to familiar to the girls. "Did you guys see that?" Elincia asked as the girls nodded. "We should go there!" Shinigami smirked as the girls nodded. The cave was a very popular cave. It was the cave where the first diamond was found in France. The girls got dressed. Each putting their hair in a bun, well except for Shinigami. The girls opened the door to see Seth with clothes on. "Finally!" Shinigami glared as she pushed him aside. The girls than left the hotel as they made there way to the cave.

[Time Skip]
"Where here!" Shinigami said as the girls smiled. "I wonder why we were lead here." Elincia asked herself. "Well! We'll just have to see! Come on!" Shinigami said. "My back.."Seth said groaning. "Sorry about Shinigami she can get a bit hostile"Elincia said. "It's alright. I get it, she doesn't trust me yet."Seth said. Elincia sighed. The five frrinds entered the cave. They all turned on their flashlights. As they explored the cave they saw a bright light at the end of the cave. "What is that?"Seth asked. "I dont know but it looks shiny! Come on!" Shinigami said as she started running towards the light. "Wait! Shinigami!" Yuki yelled out. "Oh well! Time to see what this is! Maybe we'll find treasure!"Astumi said as she started running after Shinigami. "Wait! God their reckless"Elincia said. "We should really go after them" Seth said. "Ditto" Yuki said. "Gahh.. Fine come on" Elincia said as she started running. Both Yuki and Seth followed. "Hey Seth. I have a question"Yuki said."Yeah?" Seth said."Where did you sleep after we all left Elincia's house?"Yuki asked. Seth immediately blushed remembering waking up next to Elincia in his human form. "W-well i slept in one of the guest rooms!" Seth said. "That makes sense!" Yuki giggled. Yuki and Seth finally reached the end of the cave along with the rest of the girls. They all looked at the large door in front of them."What is this door doing here?"Shinigami said. "Well where just gonna have to find out." Atsumi said going up to the door and opening it. "Wait Atsumi!"Yuki said but it was to late. When Atsumi opened the door a gust of wind blew. They all covered themselves. They all entered and looked up to see space. They all gasped. The ground was dried up soil and their where mountains ruins of what seemed to be a castle and houeses.The area was silent with only the wind blowing. The area was large looking to be a whole kingdom. Seth collapsed to his knees. "Seth!" Elincia said crouching down to her knees. "Are you alright?!" She asked. "This place... It used to be the King's castle. Long ago when i was his assistant. This is what my home has come to.."Seth said. "This is the old kingdom?! The place thats rumored to exist since 800 years ago?!" Yuki said. The four girls looked over at the ruins."My princess! You've come back to me! Oh how ive missed you!" The voice of a women said. The fours girls and Seth all looked up and saw a women with long galaxy like hair and a long white dress. She was tall and stood in the middle of the ruins of the castle.Seth got up walked over to her. He kneeled down and bowed. "My queen please forgive me for what I've done. Attempting to kill the four princess.. I was not in control of my body. That vile king took my memories. Please forgive me" Seth said. "Oh Seth.. do not worry. You weren't yourself. I thank you for bringing back my precious children. Its been so long since ive seen their faces. "The women said. "Who are you?!" Shinigami said from behind Seth. The three girls looked over at the women. The women laughed"I am Queen Andormeda. Queen of Earth and Creator of the universe. I have existed long before time was born. I created time and space. All the stars,planets everything you know i created. I am your mother and your father used to be the gatekeeper of Hell."She said. "M-mother?!"The four girls said. "Yes i am your mother. I meet your father one day when i was on earth. I fell in love with him and wanted to be with him no matter the cause. I sacrificed my power and everything i had to be with him. I passed on my power to Apollo the sun god who was my closet friend who i loved dearly as well.We had you all later on and ruled your fathers kingdom until our it was destroyed by our own people."Andormeda said. "No way! This is impossible! You cant be our mother!" Shinigami said. "You are.. My precious daughters i loved you all so much until the tragedy happened and you where all killed. You where reincarnted as human children. All this time your powers came from your past life. I was also killed. Apollo could not do anything for he was not aloud to do anything foe he could not medal with humans but he did trap my soul in this castle to protect my soul."She said. "That's why we where having those visions!" Elincia said. "That's impossible! I dont believe you! Im just a regular human!" Atsumi said. "Then i will show you" Andormeda said. She showed flashes of their past life. Them all playing,taking bathes, and interacting with their citizens. The four girls where shocked. They knew now it was real and that all this time they where the tragic princess who had died long ago. The memories and dreams all made sense. Their powers and how they referred to themselves as different names. "Your father was corrupted by a great wizard who took advantage of greif.This used to be your home. Ive been trying to lead you here and now your here. You know have to restore our kingdom and finally bring peace to the world. You must defeat that great evil inside your father. Please belive me! I know you can do it! I can not do anything for i am trapped by the castle. I may only get out when the danger has passed for Apollo will only set my free once i am safe."She said. The four girls looked over at their mother. They all smiled. "I finally understand now. Why i always felt out of place! I am Sirius! One of the princess of Earth! I promise i will defeat the evil. I know now who i truly am! I wont let you down mother!" Atsumi said. The three girls gasped. Seth smiled as he got up and looked at the girls. "Atsumi.. Now i understand why you meant so much to me.. Your my sister and i want to spend the rest of my days with you all! I am Opheila! A princes like you all" Yuki said tears rolling down her checks. "And i am Cosmos.. Future ruler of all space and the universe. With my three sisters we will defeat our father and forever bring peace to the world!" Elincia said. "Hehe! And i am Pandora! I will crush that evil inside my father and make it weep! I have waited for this moment... To bring justice to the world!" Shinigami said. Andormeda smiled. "It will be a difficult journey but i believe in you all! My precious daughters! You can overcome anything. I shall guide you to victory!" Andormeda said. "And i shall look after you and assist you. I swore to protect you and that's what i shall do." Seth said. He got closer to Elincia and held her hand. He smiled sweetly as she held his back. She smiled sweetly as she looked over at her sisters and mother. This was only the beginning. The real challenge was ahead. Who knows what was in store. "Hahaha.. I knew Seth would join their side one way or another..how pathetic. Well now it's time for the real show. Let's show these princess the true power of Evil! Hail to the Drak King!" A male voice said from afar. The voice laughed evily.

[To.. Be..Contuined]

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