Chapter 5 [The Boy]

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[1 week later]

"Haya!" Shinigami yelled as she punched the punching bag throwing it across the room. She was dressed in baggy pants and a tank top. Her hands and feet where wrapped up in bandages. "Darling your going to break it again. Im not going to pay for another one." Elincia said dressed in a kimono as she sat down on the futon and placed her tea tray on the table. Both the girls where in a traditional japanese room. The door was opened to reveal a large green field. "I know I know, but I'm pissed." Shinigami said as she stopped and sat down next to Elincia. "Why is that? I thought you where happy. We have two new members to our team" Elincia said pouring her and Shinigami a cup of tea. "It's not about that Eli. There's a little jerk in my class thats been so annoying recently. He's such a pervert I just want to smash him into the ground! He makes me so angry." Shinigami said balling her fists. "Oh my your not talking about Ren are you? That little creep has been taking pictures of me and other girls. He's also been trying to touch my chest lately..." Elincia said pouting. "I'm going to thrash him! Taking pictures of innocent girls." Shinigami said angrily stranding up. "If he ever touches any girl again I'm going to make him pay! No one messes with the student council!" Shinigami said as she yelled angrily and punched the punching bag once more, breaking it in two. "Damn it! Thats another one!" Shinigami said sighing angrily. "You really need to stop doing that..." Elincia said laughing. She stood up and gently grabbed the tea tray. "Come on, lets clean up and leave. The jet should be here any minute." Elincia said. "Alright. Let's go." Shinigami said taking off her bandages and going over to help Elincia.

[Time Skip] Next Day.

"Ahhh! You pervert!" Screamed a girl as a small boy with big round glasses and brown hair ran away holding what looked like a stack of pictures of girls panties." This is perfect! Hahaha!" The boy screamed."Ren Minako strikes again!"Ren said as he ran across the halls. All of a sudden he bumped into something falling onto the ground"Ah! Watch out!" A girl said as she landed on the floor. The boy looked up and saw a girl with long bright pink hair with bangs. That girl was Atsumi Hazuki. "Huh? Where are they?! Oh no! They cost so much!" Ren said crying out. "Huh? What. What are you trying to find?" Atsumi said as she got up and dusted herself. "I could help you look for it. Whar are you searching for?" She said. "A stack of pictures! There really important!" Ren said. "Oh, I'll help you!" Atsumi said smiling at him. "Really?" Ren said. "Like hell you will! I finally found you!" A girl yelled out. Atsumi gasped as she looked behind her. Shinigami was walking towards them. Right next to her was Elincia who looked just as pissed. "Uh oh. Ahhhh! Please dont hurt me vice president!" Ren yelled out. "Oh I'll do more than hurt you!" Shinigami said rolling up her sleeves. Ren screamed and started to run away. As he ran he bumped into Elincia's large chest. Bouncing back and landing on the floor. "Hehe. Oh my what do we have here? A little mouse, all alone and weak. Boys like you should be punished for taking advantage of a poor girl with no one to help her. Ren Minako you will face to me! Your student council president! " Elincia said grabbing the boy"Ahhh! Please dont kill me!"Ren screamed. "Im not going to kill you. You idiot, you will be punished for breaking the school's rules. Now come with me" she ordered. "Y-yes!" Ren quickly replied. "Hehehe. Dont think your spared. Im still going to hurt you. "Shinigami said grinning at him. The boy whimpered. "Shinigami! Let's go." Elincia said. "Right" replied Shinigami. As they walked away Atsumi was there left shocked. "What in the world was that? They where so scary. God, I wouldn't want them to punish me. "Atsumi said shivering a bit. "I wonder,what we're those stacks of pictures he lost... Huh?" Atsumi said as she looked down at her feet. She was stepping on a paper. "What's this?" She said grabbing the paper. "Uh.. Gah! What the?!" Atsumi turned completely red. The photo was a upskirt photo of a girl's panties. Atsumi blushed and ripped the photo up"T-that pervert!" Atsumi blushed more. She got her bag and ran away still blushing red. Behind a corner was a Yuki starring at a small heart shaped gem. "We use this to transform. Just say Dress up and you'll transform. Yuki you'll soon be able to transform. Dont rush it. Your time will come soon" Yuki repeated what Elincia had said to her. It stuck to her for days. She was nervous, It had already been a week. She sighed"But when? When will my time come? Why is it taking so long?... Why?" Yuki said holding the gem close to her heart. "Hehehe. Oh my. My dear Elincia... You should really stop torturing the poor girl my love. Your just going to make her more sad. "A deep male voice said. The voice laughed evily. "Looks like I'll have to teach my dear Elincia a lesson. "The voice said laughing loudly....

[To Be Continued]

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