Chapter 2 [The Conversation]

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"Yuki! Come on we gotta get to class!" Atsumi said to Yuki as she grabbed her hand. "W-wait! I have to get my stuff!" Yuki said blushing as she went to get her backpack. Atsumi looked over at Yuki and then grabbed her hand again."Okay come on!" As they ran together they saw two figures from a distance.

They ran past the figures. Atsumi looked back and saw two girls with white uniforms. One had short light blue hair. Another had long flowing blue hair. "I wonder who they are. They look so pretty" Atsumi thought to herself. Various hours passed by. "Ah! School is finally over! I can get back to my anime!" Atsumi said packing up her books. Yuki looked over at Atsumi. "Hm I wonder. Why is she so nice to me. Everyone else was so horrible to me." Yuki looked at her bruised wrists. She sighed and got her bag. She went out the room. "Huh? Wait Yuki wanna walk home together?" Atsumi said smiling"What? Oh sure" Yuki said smiling to Atsumi. The both went out the room together. Both smiling they walked and talked together home to each other's house. As they walked together two people watched them from afar. "There getting close." The first girl said. "Yes they are, that's good. It won't be any trouble for them to fight along side each other" The second girl said smiling. The first girl crossed her arms" I guess your right. Come on let's go home" The first girl said.

[Time Skip] 3 days later

Yuki and Atsumi where already best friends. Even thought they didn't know each other for that long they instantly got along. "I spent so much time reading manga I forgot to do my homework. Thanks for letting me copy your homework" Atsumi said sighing while eating her ramen sadly. "It's okay but you should really do your homework" Yuki laughed as she munched on her chips. As they were eating two girls came up to them." Are you Atsumi Hazuki and Yuki Lovecharm?" Said a girl. She had long lacy black stockings with the schools uniform with a red armband  She had long flowing blue hair. Next to her was a Short girl with the same uniform but black shorts up to her knees. She also had the same armband. She had white short socks. She had short light blue hair with a flower on the side of her hair. She crossed her arms"I am Shinigami Akuma vice president of The student council and your senpai. This is the student council president Elincia Takahashi. She will be talking to you today about something very important. Pay attention very clearly or else. If you talk back or misbehave you will be punished." Shinigami said sternly as she crossed her arms. "Oh my, Shinigami don't be so formal darling. I'm just gonna have a quick chat with them. Now come on loves let's go." Elincia said smiling. Shinigami huffed angirly. The two girls where stunned. They where talking to the student council president. They got up and followed her as Shinigami looked at them walking away "There weak. They won't stand a chance against the beasts"She huffed as she went after them.

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