Chapter 11 [Something New]

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[Elincia's hair is still Blue but when she transforms her hair turns white]

".....What was that... Cosmos? My name has never been Cosmos... My hair.. My voice... Everything about me changed. I dont even feel like i was talking back there. Atleast im glad we couls fix the school library" Elincia said as she softly sighed sitting in a large bathtub. The water clean and clear. The humidity of the room making Elincia sweat. The room was covered with flowers, a chandler with precious gems. The counters where large and long decorated with gold,flowers, and expensive perfumes with large mirros. "Why do i always feel so out of place in my own house? Is everything i know not real? Why am i having these types of dreams. Visions of a white castle... A man..knights. I always see the face of a women witha child in her hands.. And blood and swords. I feel... Like im going crazy... What does this mean? God this is so confusing" Elincia said. She grabbed her knees as her chest pressed against them. She put her head into her knees. Her hair was wet and straight."I need to stop acting this and focus on Seth. Come on Elincia you can do this! Start being more confident, im a new person now." Elincia said. She smiled and sunk down into the water. "Yes.. I can do this. "She smiled again. When she finished her bath she took a towel and wrapped around her body. She sat down on the chair of one of her counters. She smiled and looked into the large mirror. For a second a image of Seth appeared smirking. She jumped up and turned around. "Seth!" Elincia yelled out. A male laughter was heard in the large room. She sat down quickly. She breathed heavily.

[Time Skip]4 Hours later
"Cosmos!" Atsumi said as she and Yuki walked up to Elincia who was walking in the school hall. "Cosmos? I told you to call me Elincia... Guys"Elincia said as she stopped walking and faced them. "Oh sorry! Its just that when you transformed you said you wanted to be called Cosmos. Hehe sorry "Atsumi said. "No it's alight"Elincia said. "Is something wrong?"Yuki asked. "Well.. Ive been feeling really strangle lately. Ive been having this dreams and visions of a castle and knights and this man. He looks so similar for some reason. I always see this women with a child sometimes four. They look like a family."Elincia said. Atsumi and Yuki gasped."We've been having the same dreams! Randomly i always see this flash of a women. She's really pretty but i don't get it. I dont remember seeing her at any point of my live." Atsumi. "The same is for me but i also see children running around in grass behind them is the same castle. I wonder what it could mean?"Yuki said. "Why dont we ask Shinigami if she's been having the same visions?"Elincia said. Yuki and Atsumi nodded. "Where is she anyway?"Atsumi said. "She's in the student council room doing work. Come on"Elincia said pointing towards the stairs. Atsumi and Yuki nodded. The three girls went up the stairs. They all went to the student council room and when inside they saw Shinigami over at the table writing down something on the clipboard in her hand. She looked up and saw her the three girls."Oh hey. What are you guys doing here?"Shinigami said standing up and putting down the clipboard. "We need to ask you something. Have you had any visions/dreams recently about a castle and a women?"Elincia said. Shinigami's eyes went wide. "What? How do you know that?" Shinigami said. The three girls looked at each other and back at Shinigami. "We've all been having the same dreams recently and we cant make any sense out of it. "Atsumi said. "Yeah it's super werid. Its defiently not a coincidence.."Yuki said. "That is werid... I don't what to say either. Ive never har these only after Elincia transformed and her hair went white. "Shinigami said. "That's it! It must be something connecting my recent appearance. Maybe these visions are trying to show us something.. possibly the four mages?"Elincia said. "Yeah! That makes sense! The four mages said that they has to restart the world making a new one! Maybe these are visions from the past world! That would expain the knights ans castle!"Atsumi said. "Your right! Its all making sense now!" Yuki said. "Yes.. But why now? Are they trying to tell us something.. They left behind multiple messages when me and Shinigami stumbled upon the cave. We need to go back there and maybe this will make more sense!"Elincia said. Suddenly the door opened. "Hey Shinigami i got those papers you asked for i-"A boy said. He was tall and had pale skin and black hair. He was wearing the student council uniform. "Toshi?"Elincia said. "Student council president! Your hair what happened to it?" Toshi. Elincia cringed"Aah! This thing. I dyed it! Yeah i was looking for a new style! Yes!"Elincia said. Toshi smiled"It looks wonderful on you. Oh yeah here vice president Shinigami i brought you the papers you asked for."Toshi smiled and gave the papers to Shinigami. "M-hm. Yeah thanks now can you leave? Where busy discussing important businesses. "Shinigami said putting the papers down on the table. "Of course!" Toshi said. "Goodbye president Elincia. May i just say before i go that your looking beautiful today. "He said. "Uh sure yes thank you now bye bye!" Elincia said sweating a bit. As Toshi left the room he bumped into Atsumi"Watch where your going short stack. "He tsked at her. Atsumi stared widely at him. Hee expression then turned into anger. "Short stack?!" Atsumi said. Toshi glared and closed the door leaving. Atsumi was fuming. Yuki nervously laughed. "He seems friendly.. Kinda" Yuki said. "Well anyway. Make sure you get enough sleep. Tommorow where heading early to the cave and be prepared. Its a long walk so i hope your ready. We need more answers"Shinigami said. Atsumi stopped fuming and looked over at Shinigami"We gotta wake up early?! But ive barley had any sleep this week. "Atsumi complained."No complaining. The stack of the world might be in danger!"Shinigami sais angrily. Atsumi wept"whyyyy??"Atsumi said pouting. Yuki and Elincia laughed. "Oh really? Going on a little trap? Perfect the right time to strick." Seth said as he stood behind a corner that was right next to the door. He was in the school's boy uniform. He laughed to myself. "This is to easy." He said. "Ill get my revenge on you Elincia.. Just wait my love~"Seth said laughing still. Toshi turned around and saw Seth. He raised his eyebrows. "Odd.. Ive never seen him around here. "He said to himself before walking away.

[To Be Contuined

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