Chapter 16 [Plans]

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"So, your on are side now?" Shinigami asked as she stared right into his eyes. "Yes." He smiled as he suddenly turned into a bunny. "Huh?!" The four girls gasped as they looked at him. "Sorry, this happens when I get nervous." He explained. "TALKING BUNNY!" Atsumi yelled out as she threw a pillow at him. Elincia quickly picked up Seth. "Are you okay?" Elincia asked as she pressed him against her chest. "Yes I am, thank you very much." Seth said. "Explain this! Why are you a bunny?! And what's your job anyway?!" Shinigami asked. "Well, Long before the king was evil I was his assistant, I was killed along side the royal family. When I was reincarnated the now evil king took me and erased my memories. I was made to think that you were evil." Seth explained as he sighed. "Well, now your on our sighed hopefully you don't kill us!" Atsumi said laughing nervously. "Of course, I would never kill you." Seth smiled. "Giiirllls I have something to tell you." Elincia's said opening the door. "What is it mom?" Elincia asked. "Gahh where the hell she come from?" Atsumi gasped as she fell of the bed. "Oh, honey I'm so sorry, but I have some big news~" Elincia's mom said. "Spill it Ms. T." Shinigami said. "Where going to France~!" Ms. T said. "FRANCE?!" The girls and Seth yelled out. "Yep, I have business over there with a client and so I'm bringing you girls along and that bunny and by the way where leaving tomorrow so start packing!" Ms. T explained as she closed the door. "Well, we better start packing." Elincia said as she grabbed a suitcase from her closet. She still had on her chest as he held him. "Here Seth, I'll put you here" Elincia said as she tried to put Seth down on her bed. Seth clinged to her chest. "Seth! Please get off. I gotta pack!" Elincia said trying to get him off her."Elincia wait! I can't transform back until I feel comfortable! I'm sorry!" Seth said still in his bunny form. Elincia sighed "Alright just stay by my side"Elincia said hugging Seth's bunny form. Elincia sighed grabbing clothes from her wardrobe. Shinigami left as she went grabbing clothes from her wardrobe. Shinigami grabbed a black suitcase as she opened it, putting her clothes inside. She closed her suitcase as she laid down on her bed and sighed.

[Scene Change]

Elincia folded her clothes as she put them neatly in her suit case. She closed the suit case as she put it on the floor and sat down petting Seth. "When do you think you will change back?" Elincia sighed. "I don't know." Seth sighed as Elincia nodded.

[Time Skip]

It was night time. A knock could be heard. Elincia opened the door as Yuki and Atsumi could be seen. "Hello!" Atsumi said smiling as Elincia giggled letting the two girls inside. "We should rest, we'll have to wake up early tomorrow." Elincia explained as the girls nodded. Atsumi and Yuki took there sleeping bags out as they laid them on the ground. Elincia laid on her bed as Seth was still a bunny and cuddled up next to her. Shinigami brought her sleeping bag and laid it on the ground as well. Shinigami turned the lights of as they went to sleep.

[The Next Day]

Atsumi woke up early and grabbed her sleeping bag as she left the house walking to her's Atsumi opened the door to her house as she walked inside sighing to herself. She grabbed her suit case as she walked to her grandma's room. "Granny! I'm home." Atsumi said as she opened the door and grabbed the wheelchair and putted it in front of her bed. As her grandma slowly got out of her bed and sat down on the wheelchair. "Grandma I'm going to France today, so won't be able to make you dinner. Do you know how to use the phone in the kitchen?" Atsumi asked as her grandma nodded. Atsumi then got ready as she put her hair up.

[Scene Skip]
Elincia and Shinigami woke up as they both headed to the bathroom each getting ready. Shinigami brushes her teeth and Elincia brushed her long blue hair. Just then Yuki woke up as she saw Seth in his human form and gasped. "It's ok." Seth tried to explain as Yuki nodded. "You scared me." Yuki said as Seth chuckled. Yuki got up and brushed her hair as she got dressed in the bathroom.

[Time Skip]

It was now time for them to leave as the girls walked out of the door with their suitcases.

[To Be Continued]

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