Chapter 9 [His Treasure]

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"..Seth" Elincia said softly as she said in her sleep""She said her faced showed a pain expression. She was on a king sized bed and wore  a long white dress. She suddenly opened her eyes and gasped. She looked around and all she saw was darkness "What's going on? Where am i? Gahh! My head!" She suddenly started holding her head. "God... what is this?" Elincia said. "Finally your awake" a voice said calling out. "Who's there?!" Elincia said. "Im Seth, the servant of the Dark King." Seth said. "Dark King... No "Elincia said. Suddenly she stood up from the bed and quickly said"Guardian of the E-" she said but then Seth grabbed her throwing her on the bed. "Gah!" Elincia said. Seth laughed and garbbed her wrists pinning her down on the soft mattress. Seth laughed"Dont try Anything missy, or ill have to punish you.." Seth said. "Why are you doing this?!" Elincia said. "It's what my master ordered me to do but dont worry i wont kill you know... I have other plans for you.. Princess" Seth. "Princess? What..." Elincia said. Suddenly Seth got closer to her. Their faces only inches apart. "Here's the deal.. I need all the information you have on the Guardians of the Earth and if you dont talk you will be punished. "W-what? Thats what you want? Like hell im giving you any information. "Elincia said. "Awh. Don't be like that princess. If you dont do as i say... your friends will get the short end of the stick." Seth said. "Dont you dare harm them! I wont ever let you!" Elincia said. "Then talk!" His grip on her tighten. He held her arms with one of his hands and the other made it's way down her chest. He circled her chest with his finger. Elincia closed her eyes and hissed"Stop! Elincia shouted as she attempted to kick him but hee legs where trapped in his. "Elincia. Calm down will you... I dont want to hurt you."Seth said."Hurt me all you like! I don't care! Just don't hurt my frrinds!" Elincia said on the verge of tears. Seth growled"Their all you talk about. You only care about them! I guess ill have to show them your mine!" Seth said. "No! Please no i beg of you don't!" Elincia said. Seth smirked. "Hehe. Sorry princess but ill have to do it. Might as well finish them off now just like my master tols me to. Then we can get back to our little conversation. Ill be right back just hang in their. Wait for me till then my little kitty." Seth said as he let go of Elincia. She gasped and stood then all of a sudden invisible rope appeared and wrapped around Elincia. She screamed and fell on the bed. "No no! What is this!' I cant move!" Elincia yelled trying to get out of the ropes. "I suggest you dont struggle. It'll just make it worse. See you later princes. Bye bye"Seth said. "Wait! Why do you call me princess?!"Elincia said. "Hehe. There's more to you that you dont know. Soon you'll find out..princess" Seth said as he suddenly disappeared. Elincia began to cry tears rolling down her check. "Please..let them be safe.." Elincia said.

[Location Skip]
"Gahh! This is impossible!" Where could they be?!" Shinigami said still wearing her transformation outfit. The three girls stood in the library of their school.  "I know his name is Seth and that he claims to be one of the Legendary heroes who defeated the king long ago but he could just be lying to us. No hero would kidnap a girl and risk the lives of other people. "Yuki said also still in her transformation outfit. "Yeah, we cant trust him.. He's got to be lying. He just said that to make Yuki trust him. Its going to be hard findind them. They just disappeared suddenly." Atsumi said. "Its not somewhere on the surface world i can tell you that. When that monster took Elincia it went down a portal of some sorts which was directly under the school yard."Shinigami said. "So maybe planned this from the start."Atsumi said. "That could be possible but how could he have known how i was feeling.. Unless he's looking over as since the beginning." Yuki said. "Possibly, he could be working for the Dark King if he knew already about the Legendary heroes. Nobody on the entire planet nows that they existed. So he must be working for him!" Shinigami. "Maybe...That could explain why he had so much power as to completely control Yuki. That sounds like someone evil would do"Atsumi said. "So if where right then.. Where could Eilncia be? Maybe underground...since he does have the magic to do so possibly. "Yuki said. "Well that's a start. We need to continue searching for Elincia."Shinigami said. Yuki and Atsumi nodded. Suddenly a crash could be heard. The there girls gasped and looked over at the libary door. Silence was heard until the whole wall fell over and appeared a large carnivore. Behind it was Seth smirking. "Im backkkk. Did you all miss me?" Seth said. "Seth!" The three girls said. "Thats right im back! I hope your ready to die! Ahahha!" He said as he pointed his hand over at the girls. "Now!" He said as the monster flung towards them. The girls gasped.

[To Be Continued]

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