Chapter 17 [Trip]

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Elincia sighed as she had her suitcase in her hand as she looked at the other girls. "Who's ready to go to France!" Elincia's mom said as the girls chuckled. Elincia and the rest of the girls walked into the private jet as they sat down. A man a uniform opened the door as he looked at Ms. T. "Ms. Takahashi we will be leaving in a short while, please put all your belongings in the mini storage compartments at the very top." The pilot said as Ms. T nodded. "Wait!" Seth said as he came, he also had a suit case with him. "Oh, who is this?" Ms. T asked as she looked at the purple-haired boy. "Just a friend." Elincia explained. As her mother nodded. "Hello, ladies and gentlemen we will be leaving now please buckle in your seat belts and we will head off!" A man said threw the radio. "Must be the co-pilot." Elincia sighed as she sat next to Seth. While Yuki and Atsumi were sitting together, leaving Shinigami to sit with Ms. T.

[Time Skip]

"Ughhh I feel like I'm going to throw up!" Atsumi whined as she laid on the chair. "Atsumi, it'll be over soon.." Yuki tried to comfort the pink-haired girl. "Noooo fair!" Atsumi whined. Elincia chuckled as she laid her head on Seth's shoulder. Making him blush a bit. He soon laid his head on her's as they both fell asleep. "Who does he think he is?! Trying to seduce her!" Shinigami mumbled. "Did you say something dear?" Ms. T said as Shinigami shooked her head. "Ladies and Gentlemen we will be stopping very shortly please stay in your seats and wait until further notice." The co-pilot said as Atsumi sighed. "Finally..." Atsumi said as Yuki giggled.

As a few minutes passed the door opened as the pilot and co-pilot appeared. They grabbed the suit cases from the mini storages. As everyone took their seat belts of Atsumi leaped out of her chair and jumped out of the jet. Yuki sighed as she unbuckled her seat belt and got out as she grabbed her and Atsumi's bags and thanked the workers. "Seth, wake up." Elincia said as Seth opened his eyes. He nodded as they both got out and grabbed their suitcases. "You guys can have some fun, but come back at ten." Miss T said as they nodded. "The suitcases were then taken as workers from a fancy hotel took them.

[Change Of Scene]
The clothes here are really nice!" Yuki smiled. She was holding a bag full of clothes. "Yea it is." Shinigami agreed. "Look! It's the Eiffel Tower!" Atsumi gasped as she looked at it taking a picture. "Can't wait for grandma to see this!" She giggled. "Seth? Do you want anything." Elincia asked as Seth sighed. Something to eat would be nice. "I know a good place we're we can go to!" Yuki said. "Really? Where?" Shinigami asked as Yuki giggled and pulled out her phone. "It's a few minutes away! It sells crepes!" She said as the girls agreed.

[To The Crepes!]
They walked into the small shop as they looked at the menu. "Should we all try the strawberry one and I get a blueberry one?" Elincia suggested as they all nodded. "Four strawberry crepes and one blueberry crepe please." Elincia ordered as she pulled her wallet out. "No I insist." Seth smiled as he pulled his wallet out. "Ok.." Elincia nodded as she put her wallet away. "Here you go." A sweet old lady said coming out of the kitchen. She handed Seth the five crepes as he gave each girl one. "Thank you Miss." Seth smiled as they all walked out the store eating there crepes. "This is so good!" Atsumi said as she ate the whole crepe. "Oh, I don't like mine that much.." Elincia mumbled as she threw her crepe in the trash. "We can share if you want." Seth said. "No! You can share with me Elincia." Shinigami said as Elincia chuckled. "But, you seem to enjoy your crepe." She chuckled as she took a bite out of Seth's crepe. "We should get going." Shinigami grumbled.

[Time Skip]

It was night time. All the girls and Seth were asleep. Well, Seth was in a different room since Shinigami was so mad she kicked him out.

As said, the four girls were sleeping calmly. Well, until they each had a dream. The very same dream to be exact. It all started like this.

Two girls were playing in a garden, a garden that was behind a castle. Two guards were there watching the two. Both had short hair. "Hehe" they giggled as they played together. Everything was beautiful, it was going amazingly. Well, that was until they came. A group of villagers with pitchforks and torches came as they took over the palace. They decided to attack the back first. They came as they ran. The guards tried all they could. But, they unfortunately died. The two girls looked at the villagers in fear as one grabbed the smallest girl by the hair. "Let her go!" The other one cried but her cries did not do anything as one of the villagers stabbed the girl in her heart. Red blood splashed onto the girls dressed as she looked up at the lifeless girl. She was gone. Dead. The villagers dropped the body to the floor as they glared at the other girl. She screamed as she ran and ran. She ran as she found her mother and her other two sisters. She explained to them that the youngest was dead.

The villagers came. "KILL THEM ALL!" One yelled as the family ran and locked themselves in the closest room they could find. It was the nursery. "BREAK THE DOOR!" The same villager yelled as they grabbed a long log and started to hit the door. The children cried as they laid next to their mother.

The door finally broke as they threw the log away. A young man with blood thirsty eyes went inside the room as he stabbed two of the girls. It was over for them. There lifeless bodies laid on the ground as they began to lose there color. "NO!" The mother yelled as she cried. "Your next!" He said pointing to the last sister. But before he could even lay a finger on her the mother got in the way. She was stabbed. Now she was dead. The little girl laid there. She was scared. She knew what was going to happen. So she closed her eyes and waited for the pain. She was dead too.

[Dream Over]

[To Be Continued]

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