Chapter 4 [The Truth]

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"You will pay for what you have done you beast!"Atsumi yelled out at it. She threw her body in the air and pointed her katana at the monster. She jumped on the monster stabbing it in its's head. Atsumi jumped of the monster as it bleed and began to move side to side. She took the opportunity and jumped up stabbing the monster in the heart. The monster fell over and it began to evaporate. Atsumi breathed heavily as she landed on the ground. "I.. can't believe I just did that.. "Atsumi breathed out weakly as her vision began to blur. The last thing she saw were Shinigami and Elincia running towards her before she fainted everything going dark.

[Time Skip] 3 hours later
"Mmm. Yuki...." Mumbled Astumi in her sleep. She layed on a white bed inside a room that looked to be a nurse's office. Right across from her laid Yuki who looked to be also asleep. The door slid open showing Elincia and Shinigami in there student council uniform. Elincia sighed as she sat down beside Yuki and Atsumi. "That was a total disaster.
Not only did a student get injured but the school was completely wrecked. Thank god we where able to fix it in time and erase those people's memories." Elincia said sighing. "Yeah. That wen't horrible. I can't believe that pixie actually took care of that monster better then we do" Shinigami huffed crossing her arms as she leaned on the wall. "Well, Rage is a fierce emotion. She's powerful, the more she trains the more she'll be able to handle and not faint." Elincia said brushing Atsumi's hair to the side. "Yuki was really badly injured. Thank god that we have Ami to help us." Shinigami said sighing. All of a sudden Atsumi started to wake up. Yuki's eyes twitched as she woke up too. Atsumi stood up and groaned. "Gah. My head hurts so much... Huh.. Yuki!" Atsumi said as she looked frenetically around. She looked over at Yuki who was looking down. "Yukk! Your safe! Oh my god. What happened?!" Astumi said. "I.. don't remember. Everything is so blurry." Yuki said grabbing her head. "Good your both awake. Now we can explain" Elincia said standing up and looking at both of the girls. Shinigami went beside Elincia. "What happened?! What was that thing. What happened to me?! Why did you guys look like that?!" Atsumi said shouting. "Calm down. We'll explain everything, first that thing was a Carnivore giant mutant monsters that eat humans and frenetically attack the surface." Shinigami explained. Atsumi and Yuki gasped. "Thats not all. A long time ago a God lived among mortals. He was worshipped as their king and he ruled all of earth. He fell in love and later on having 4 daughters, but one day his people turned against him and killed all of his family. Enraged he let out monsters upon the earth. No one could stop him. Until four mages stood up and created four weapons to battle against their god. They succeeded and trapped him and his monsters deep below earth's surface. They joined there powers and created a new world. Hiding the weapons away. The earth started once again." Elincia said looking at them both. "What?! Thats impossible! How..." Astumi said shocked. Yuki couldn't say anything. "It is. All of it is true. Before the mages started the world again they left a message in the weapons. Me and Shinigami stumbled upon the weapons in a cave we were exploring. When we reached for them four figures appeared and told us all the information you are hearing right know. They told us that now that we had found the weapons that it was our job to protect the earth so the King would come back one day." Elincia said. "We have one job. That is to protect the earth from the upcoming danger. We agreed and made it our job to find the two other holders of the weapons. We found you and the weapons immediately glowed in your presence. We knew it was you." Shinigami said. "So.. that means we now have to protect the earth from those things. I just can't believe it. Just before this we where just eating lunch. This is all so much to handle." Atsumi said. "Does this mean... that I'll transform? And that I'll have to fight those beasts! I know nothing about combat." Yuliana said. "It may seem impossible but this is all a reality. It is our duty as warriors to protect the earth. No one else can do it. The weapons will not work with anyone else. It is our destiny!" Shinigami said putting her fists into a ball. "We will guide you. We will train you so that one day we may all fight against that king. You having nothing to fear. You have us, we will protect you. Do not worry, this is our fate. We must protect our home. " Elincia said. Astumi stood up"Your right...alright. I'm with you guys." Atsumi said. Atsumi turned around and looked at Yuki smiling and extending her arm towards her. "Come on Yuli, lets do this... together" Atsumi said smiling. Yuki started to cry. "Alright. Lets do this" Yuki smiled and got up. They all put their hands together and smiled. This was the start of something great.

To Be Continued.

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