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ayyy, annie and I have been talking about this story and have been planning it for literally months


"romance is dead- it was acquired in a hostile takeover by Hallmark and Disney, homogenized, and sold off piece by piece."

Elouise found everything about this whole event below her. Her father was running for Prime Minster, for God's sake. She shouldn't even be here; she doesn't even like kids. Especially the little troubled kids of lower class, destined for a life of crime. But her father had insisted she go to this. "It's good for my campaign! Don't  you want to live in The Lodge, darling?" he had said. So of course, only to appease daddy, she came to this. 

She was forced to talk to children she could even understand with all of their blabbering, forced to smile and nod at the bleeding heart liberals even though she thought they were rather annoying, and listen to act after act of terrible, low class music. She didn't even bother looking at them; just pretended to be occupied with playing with the kiddies.

As she talked to another volunteer, who apparently wanted a cookie for being a decent person and actually dealing with the brats, someone tapped on her should. "Finally." she thought, expecting it to be one of her friends who was kind enough to actually want to come to one of these events (Lord knows why.)  who wanted to tear her away from the boring conversation. Instead, it was a short girl about her age, a brunette, who was surprisingly pretty enough.  Especially compared to everyone else here.

"Oh, hello? How are you?" Elouise smiled (a fake one) down at the girl. Something about her was annoying. She had a smirk plastered on her face like she knew something Elouise didn't. If it was one thing, Elouise hated being in the dark. 

"Well. I'm Jane, and um, you might be getting to know me more. I have somebody you might want to meet?" Jane said, motioning behind her. Elouise raised her eyebrows, because the only person behind her was a fat man, gorging on the food that was meant for the little kids. Jane turned around and sighed. 

"One second, he chickened out." The short girl said, racing off as Elouise discreetly rolled her eyes. Leave it to the event planners to let the crazies in. Just as she was turning around to continue talking with the boring group of volunteers and dignitaries, she felt another tap on her shoulder. This time it was the girl again, but she was holding someone by the wrist. Elouise looked up and saw the person Jane was grabbing. 

Suddenly, a burst of color came over her. Her eyes widened, but because she was trained to expect the unexpected, she scanned him over. Shoes that were too casual, skinny jeans too tight and once again too casual, a god awful tank top that had profanity on it (who wears that to an event for children?), and an attractive face but he had a piercing. 

Elouise broke her mask of perfect kindness and sneered  "I was hoping for a Kennedy."

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