chapter eighteen

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Elouise didn't know why she kissed Luke, or why she called Jane to talk about it three days later. Actually she had no idea why she had Jane's phone number or why she would think to call her. But she did. Thats exactly how she ended up in the - Ashton's? - car with the Top 40 playing. Jane had forced her to take her hair out of the tight top knot and made her walk back into her house to change out of her work clothes.

"So we're going to a bar?" Elouise sighed, eyeing Jane. Her fingers numbly picked at the fabric clinging to her thighs, making them squish flat against the seat of the car grossly. "Well, we could." Jane shrugged.  "What did you have in mind?" Elouise quizzed, watching Jane's brows crease. "I've been saying I want to do something crazy and outrageous and I never knew what to do. Ash wants me to dye my hair or get a tongue piercing. Honestly, the tongue piercing would be for his benefit-"

 "Okay Jane. Too much information. Way too much. You should never say that again. Please." El squeaked, grabbing the younger girls arm.  Jane flushed slightly. "Where was the point in that?" "Well I guess we could go to a tattoo parlor. Or we could do something less destructive." 

Elouise thought for a moment. The years she'd been old enough to drink and party and get tattoos were wasted on working on preparing her father to become minister. Everything she had done since she was old enough to understand had been to better her chances of working in the government. Jane's simple suggestion was tempting. Maybe she could dye her hair a strange color, or get black out drunk for the hell of it. She stared out the window of the car, watching colors whizz past. She took advantage of this whole soulmate thing.

She never appreciated the true gift Luke had brought her, instead rushing through life like she usually did. "Jane. I have an idea and it's beyond idiotic but if I don't do it now, I'll never do it." 

The knock on Luke's door scared him awake, the box of Cheerios he had been holding, dropping to the ground and spilling the round cereal everywhere. He padded to the door and whipped the splotch of drool off of his chin. His hand was on the knob before the door was pushed open and nearly hit him in the face. Elouise's hair was matted down, dripping wet and her white top was peeking out of a loose gray jumper that was suctioned to her body. She huffed and leaned against the door, a half hearted smile on her face. "Hi?" Luke suggested, stepping back to survey the wet girl. "Get me a towel and a change of clothes please, Lucas." Was all she said. 

Within 10 minutes Elouise was cuddled deep into a pair of sweatpants, and old hoodie and a beanie that belonged to Luke with her clothes in the dryer. Luke made her a cup of coffee and laid out a plate of toast for her to snack on.

 "So is there a reason you came to my home sopping wet?" Needless to say, Luke was amused to see her so flustered."I usually don't do stupid, mindless things." El started. "But since I met you, I'm suddenly doing very irrational things." "I'm not sure of you're criticizing me or not." He interjected. 

"I've been pretty good at keeping my stupid actions in track. Actually, I've been fantastic at it. This last week had been full of rash things. My actions tonight being the worst by far." El shrugged off the blanket strategically wrapped around her. She put the coffee cup on the floor and moved to pull her shirt off. "Woah, woah, woah! What are you doing?" Luke sputtered, pouncing out of his seat. "Shut up Luke. You aren't that cute." El deadpanned. She turned and pulled the shirt to hang around her neck. On her left shoulder blade were lines, like brushstrokes.

They were thick and black, then right through the middle there was a slash through the lines and what looked like a paint splatter was an array of bright colours. 

"El..." Luke breathed, looking at the swelling skin from the ink. He took a few tentative steps forward until his breath was on the back of her neck and his fingers ghosting over the skin. "Why?" He whispered. 

"I felt bad about not even acknowledging the fact that this whole soulmates thing is the greatest thing to ever happen to me. When I saw the colours I shrugged and moved on, dragging you in my wake. I didn't stop to admire how your eyes are the same shade of blue as the ocean or the way my skin tints pink when you get too close." Elouise trailed off, shuddering as Luke's icy fingers traced the tattoo on her pale skin. 

" How the fuck am I supposed to out do this?" He giggled, dropping his hands to her waist and spinning her quickly. Before she could respond, Luke's mouth was on hers and everything seemed to click.


wOW this is lame as hell and so so so mushy. wow ily annie xx 

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