chapter nine

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okay here's the deal. sorry we arent as frequently updating as we did with B&W. We have legit reasons. Aside from me trying to get some dick this year, Annie and I are really busy.

1. Annie have harder schoolwork that last year (obvs)

2. It suddenly kicked me hard in the ass that I want to get out of south carolina for college so im going to have to get my 3.25 gpa up to a 4.0 if i go to the school i wanna go to plus a 4 on my AP tests for college credit. (did we tell you that annie and i might go to college together if the stars align) but theres another school that im seriously considering.

3. ive got a shit ton of personal issues i.e losing all of the people i thought were my best friends (aside from Willow and Annie of course)



Maybe listening to Elouise rant about the Conflict Theory fathered by Karl Marx wasn't Luke's original idea of fun, but he'd actually enjoyed it a little bit. And learned a few things. Like how it really fucking sucked that inequality exists because those in control of a disproportionate share of society's resources actively defend their advantages at the expense of the workers. Elouise was a little too smart for him, he felt like his brain was about to explode. Which was considering something since he skipped a grade.

"But aren't we the bourgeoisie, according to Karl Marx? I mean we're pretty fucking rich." Luke asked, sipping his coffee. They were in a cozy little cafe that was "So chic.". Luke had actually called to arrange this whole date thing, if you could call debating (with Elousie totally slaughtering him) about sociological and political theories a date. 

"I'm glad you asked that. Technically we are. But you donate your money to organizations, right? You're doing the best you can to give a helping hand, so while we may be the haves, we're attempting to help the have-nots. Therefore we're not actively perpetuating the oppression of the lower class. Nice shirt by the way." Elouise added. Luke looked down at his shirt. It wasn't one Elouise choose that day they went shopping. It was one of his old tank tops. Weird.

"Well how much do you donate?" He asked. He couldn't exactly imagine Elouise writing off a check for a thousand dollars to save the whales or something. 

"You mean daddy or my personal paycheck?"


"Okay. Before I tell you this, don't let it make you think differently of me. I still think people should try to keep up appearances. There's no reason anyone, even the poorest people, should look unkempt." Luke rolled his eyes. She was such a bitch. 

"Fine. Whatever, how much do you donate?" Elouise took a deep breathe, like she was about to reveal some big secret.

"Approximately 61.23%. Maybe more maybe less." She said. Luke practically spit out his drink but instead opted to choke on it. Elouise scoffed as he coughed heavily.

"You're an idiot Lucas. Stop embarrassing me." She said sharply. Not even the bitch face could stop Luke from looking at her like she was crazy. 

"That's over half." 

"Wow. Lucas can state the obvious. Thanks for your wisdom. We should go. I've got places to be." She spat, like she didn't want people to know she was a secret philanthropist. After she threw the cup out, he knew that the conversation was done. Luke was a little scared he fucked up Project Cut a Bitch.

"Still a bitch." Luke thought. "Just an excessively generous bitch. Like James Cameron."


"Hey mum!" Luke said, answering his phone. It'd been a while since he'd talked to her. Probably a week after he met Elouise was the last time. At least around then. 

"Hello Luke! How are you darling? The Elouise front any better? From the looks of it she's really cleaned you up a bit. That's what I've seen, surfing the web." She told him.

"Mum? Can you do me a favor?"

"Of course."

"Don't ever say 'surfing the web' again." Luke deadpanned. That term was tragic. Plus he was biding time from having to talk about Literal Satan.

"Don't avoid my questions Luke. I know you better than anyone, I know when you're trying to escape a topic of conversation. Remember that 75% in History class?"

"Haha! Yeah!" He faked an awkward laugh. "Crazy times. 14 was a good age. Don't you remember that time a kangaroo literally kicked our glass door? And you took a piss at the repair man because he wasn't doing it fast enough?"

"Luke. Is she really that awful? I was under the impression that she was rather stingy, but the colors don't lie. I'm sure you think she's great now! It just took a while for you to warm up. It was just a rough start, right?" Ugh. This. He knew this was coming. Luke hated to disappoint his mum. And nothing was more disappointing than knowing your son isn't happy with something that can't ever change.

"Look. Mum. I'm trying. Really. The boys and I have a nice little plan in the works to, er, improve our relationship standing." He shifted awkwardly. The fact that he had to hid that from his mother probably meant that he was wrong in doing it, but he pushed it to the back of his brain. It was for the greater good, after all. He had to teach Elouise a lesson to save others from her reign of terror. 

"That's great, darling. Do be kind." Guilt. "Maybe find out what she likes and take her there. She'd love it. It'll let her know you really value her." More guilt. "Don't take advantage of her. She doesn't seem like the type for that to happen. An unusual amount of leadership skills, but that may be because she's so much older. But get to know her, she'll show her real colors." Triple guilt.

"Yeah. Uh. Thanks, mum. I've gotta go. You know, quite busy. Band practice." Luke fibbed. He really just wanted to end this phone call. 

"Love you, Luke. Call anytime. Maybe when she warms up to you, bring her over. I'd love to meet my baby boy's soulmate." 

"Yup! Bye, I love you too."

Oh God. Luke was a terrible person. But so was Elouise. So it was fine to do this. Right?



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