chapter six

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"It's been a week and you've managed to royally fuck up my life. How does that make you feel?" Luke trailed behind Elouise as she pranced through the house, in search of her assistant.

"Fantastic Lucas. Will you please watch your language?" She sighed, tugging in the end of the braid that was slung over her shoulder. "And stop looking at my butt." Luke flushed, looking at his feet. She had a nice butt, don't judge him for looking. He had needs

Elouise was determined to get him in something other than the too- tight skinny jeans and tank tops. So she dragged Luke out of the house and was in desperate search of Margery, a dear acquaintance, to take along. He complained the whole way here, telling her that he didn't need new clothes.

"Why should I change? We're soulmates because of who I am." He had stated.

"You," Elouise gave him a pointed look, "Are not good for my image."

He sounded like a child, griping and whining about her demands. Not like she cared, Luke wasn't the most important thing on her agenda, yet she made time for him. He should be damn grateful.

"Alright Princess, we've walked around this house twice. Your servant isn't here." Luke concluded, sitting down on the chair they had passed three times. Elouise cringed at the nickname, but turned around anyway.

"She isn't my servant Lucas. She's my assistant. She works for me. I pay her and she has free time. It's called a job." Luke just rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. I have things I need to do today, so if we could just go that would be wonderful."

"Horsing around with your dimwitted friends isn't 'things to do.'" Elouise sighed, pulling the phone from her pocket, bringing up Margery's contact.

"You've been on my twitter, you should know what I've been doing." He grumbled. He honestly wouldn't let that go. She rolled her eyes and slammed her finger on the call button.

"Margery, I need you to come shopping with Lucas and I. He needs a....well complete personality 360." Elouise eyed Luke.


"They're slacks Lucas, honestly have you seen ! other than those things you call pants?" Elouise groaned, laying another pair of khakis in Luke's arms.

"I'm not a damn caveman Princess." He mumbled. Margery laughed lightly, trailing behind with way too many button down shirts and ties. Luke didn't even know how to tie his own tie.

"Go try those on. Show us." Elouise shoved Luke towards the dressing rooms, handing him the pile of shirts and ties to go with. Per request he didn't style his hair today, only wearing a black beanie which Elouise tried to remove.

Luke stood, desperately trying to put a knot in the purple tie that had been picked for the white, "It's cream Lucas, honestly.", shirt. He hadn't so much as looked at the pants that hung on one of the hooks. He could hear Elouise pacing outside the door, her five inch heels clicking against the hardwood. Margery stayed silent the whole time. A struggle ended up in a sloppy knot, but still tied tie and a pair of khaki pants. Too loose, too....proper. After a pep talk in the mirror, Luke stepped out of the dressing room, Elouise scolded him for taking too long.

"You look decent Lucas." She finally stated.

"Is Elouise Annette Parr giving me a compliment!?" Luke gasped, smirking slightly at the way she flustered at the use of her full name.

"Lucas Robert, try the next outfit on." He rolled his eyes, but proceeded to change.


"I liked the blues." Margery stated, looking at the twenty-some shirts draped over the couch in the changing area.

"The white will be necessary, the purple looked nice." Elouise inputted, wrapping and unwrapping a gray tie around her knuckles.

"I didn't like any of them." Luke pointed out. Both girls ignored him and continued looking at the shirts.

"I say get a few of the blue and white, drop the purple one and just get ties. And a pair of navy, black and khaki trousers." Margery concluded, already picking up the other shirts.

Margery lugged the clothes to the cashier, returning with three bags for me to carry. They exited the store, walking towards the middle of the shopping center and towards the crowd of girls who found out Luke was here. He cringed visibly and turned to Elouise and Margery, who looked pretty stunned at the thwarts of girls with phones ready.

"We need to go another way." Luke stated, not really giving them another option.

"Lucas, the car is that way." Elouise argued. He would have to get over the people. She needed to be home.

"Princess, they're brutal. It's easier with the boys because we spread out and knock out fans quickly. But it's me, they're going to tear me to shreds." Luke growled, looking down on the blonde. Elouise sighed and rolled her eyes, calling the driver to come get them on the opposite side of the store, resulting in yet another lecture on Luke's behavior. Once in the car, Elouise bitched about other things.

"The lip ring needs to go." She said simply.

"Sorry Princess, this stays."

"You look like a little punk." She sneered.

"It hurt like hell, it's staying." Elouise grumbled, but left the argument.

When Luke got back in the apartment and had kicked off his shoes and threw the shopping bags on the floor, Michael invited him in for a much needed hug. Neither boy said anything, just hugged. Michael knew how much Luke hated Elouise, and he knew Luke would never forgive her for what she said to the others. He understood where Luke was coming from.

"How about we mess with the Princess, alright Lukey?" Michael smiled. Luke mumbled his agreement, which would probably get him buried alive. Oh, damn.


HI SO IM IN CHICAGO GUYS. and I have a couple things to say.

FIRST, hi I'm Annie and I COWRITE this story. like, I get that it's on Calies profile and it's easy to talk to her and all, but I feel highly neglected and like she's getting all the credit even though I'm doing the same amount of work on this as she is. I hate to sound like a whiny bitch and all but it sucks that only a few of you ever talk to me and follow me and yeah. if you hate me please tell me

SECOND, I know I have, I'm not sure about Calie, have gotten specific requests regarding the series. we have already planned a good majority of the three left. things like names, locations and large plot details, while appreciated, have been decided on and planned. I love that you guys want to make this your story too, but we have been thinking about this for a while, therefor some of these things are picked. I DONT MEAN TO OFFEND YOU IM REALLY SORRY IF I DID OKAY PLEASE TELL ME IF I DID IM SORRY.

THIRD! okay, so I've been cowriting another story with @HannahWagner2 and it's a Luke/Ashton story (not lashton, soz) and I wrote smut (like real smut guys not the shit I wrote for b&w) and it's really cool so go check it out it's called Paramour.

FINALLY ; if I do character twitter would y'all actually tweet me and make me feel special and stuff??? like would that be cool!? I've considered it for Jane and Ashton, because of the fact that we never really told you what happens to them, but for all of them??? ((obvs not for mike and cals girls bc u don't know them.) but for Jane, Linds, Ash, El, Luke and Marg? please comment and tell me. it means a lot

okay sorry that was so long and lame lol I love u and thank you so much for this opportunity guys

candyflossxash xx

(I put 9 not 6 lol bye)

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