chapter one

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So my lovelies, Annie and I are officially kicking of the Sequel of Black and White right now! How excited are ya'll? Annie and I really love Jane and Ash and enjoyed writing them, but near the end we started getting, I wouldn't say bored, but loosing our creative juices for them. But this particular journey will be a little bit more interesting and funny and just overall better because we're growing as writers.  It's kinda sad because we've focused for  months on Jane and Ash, but we're excited. So without further adeau, Grey Area.



"I was hoping for a Kennedy." Luke saw her sneer. Fuck. Seriously, out of all of the girls in the world he got the heartless bitch? That's pretty unfair if you asked him about it.

Jane let out an awkward laugh. "Yeah, well you two chat. Hit it off, have some fun. But not too much fun! I mean if you do, wear a condom. Don't be silly, wrap your willy!" Elouise's head snapped to Jane.

"Trust me, that will never be an issue. I won't be going anywhere near his willy." She spat. Luke let out a sigh as Jane's eyes widened.

"Okay. Well, yeah. Then be civil guys. I'm going to tell the other guys the happy news!" Jane said, then paused as the pair gave her death looks, and corrected herself. "Uh, the news." She said, before walking off in search of Ashton.

"So, what's your name?" Luke asked, shifting awkwardly, looking at his feet.

"Seriously, you don't know it? It's Elouise. You're Australian. My dad is running for Prime Minister. I'm literally all over the news as 'Austraila's Sweetheart'."

"I don't pay attention to politics." He responded blankly, losing patience.

"Lovely. You know you really should. You're able to vote, right?"

"I just turned eighteen."

"Wow. You're like a baby compared to me. I'm twenty three." Elouise responded looking at her nails.

"An older girl. Nice. Always had a thing for that." He joked, before his smile fell at the unamused look she shot him. Luke wasn't going to lie, he was pretty upset about the fact that Elouise was awful. When he saw her, he thought she was gorgeous. Blonde hair, just as tall as him (which was a feat) and curves in all the right places. He was kind of hoping for a Jane and Ash-esque romance. Or one like his mum and dad.

"I'm trying to tolerate you right now, but you're being pretty terrible. I get I'm not exactly what you were expecting but we are soulmates. That's got to count for something." Luke pleaded with a slightly pathetic look that could rival a kicked puppy. Elouise gave him a bright, happy look which made Luke smile back. He'd cracked her; it just took a while.

"You're right! You're not what I was expecting. But we can fix that. You'll be election ready in no time. You won't ruin it for daddy and my future political career. We just have to fix a few things. Like your attire. And how you style your hair. And the unintelligent look on your face." Luke's clinched his jaw in anger. He was getting really pissed at this chick.

"What?" He asked in disbelief.

"Hey, don't worry about it." She said, softly putting her hand on his arm, in the most professional 'I'm trying to get something from you' way possible. "I'll have my people call your people later. I'm busy and have more important things to do right now to be honest. But I'm glad we had this little chat. I was thinking you were going to be stubborn about this. This can he a really enjoyable, business type relationship if you let it be. You have to be a little important if you're here in the first place. If we're being lenient with the term important." She said before turning around to make her way to the politicians. Luke stood there dumbfounded before he ran up behind her and grabbed her arm.

"Our 'people' aren't the soulmates here, you little bitch. It's you and me, me and you." He spat. Elouise's eyes widened as she turned to the crowd that had watched his loud outburst. Elouise faked a loud laugh and leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"You're so funny! Isn't he the funniest? Meet my soulmate everyone!" She announced loudly intertwining their fingers. Slowly claps started across the room until it rose to a loud applause. "I hope you don't mind, everyone, but we're about to have a private conversation if that's okay with you?" She asked, winking. The older teenager at the event and the adults laughed at the insinuation. Luke couldn't help the blush that spread across his cheeks at the thought. Then Elouise dragged him to an empty room.

"Please don't tell me you're getting an erection." Elouise spat, rolling her eyes. Luke looked down. He couldn't help it. He was a hormonal teenage boy and she was fucking hot. She was the one who put the thoughts in his head.

"Er." He began. She raised her hand to silence him, shaking her head in disgust.

"Just don't. And it's you and I." She said matter of factly. He looked at her in confusion, raising his eyebrows.

"Your said me and you were soulmates. You and me. It's grammatically correct to say you and I."

"Fucking hell." He huffed.

"Don't curse, Lucas."

"That's not my name."

"I heard someone say your name was Lucas, while I was covering for your outburst out there. You're welcome." He did have to hand it to her. She was great at crisis management. Must be all the politics she played. Because she had to look different to the public than how she actually was. Because Australia would be a bitchy country if not. 

"It's Luke."

"Not now it isn't."

"Jesus Christ."

"Don't use the lord's name in vain, Lucas."


lololol plot fucking twist. THEY ARE NOT LIKE JASHTON.

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