chapter ten

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"Margery, there's a slight issue." Elouise panted as she ran on her treadmill. Margery looked up from the laptop perched in front of her, pushing her glasses up her nose.

"Are you dying? Do I need to go get your inhaler? I know you said you outgrew your-" She rambled, jumping up from the yoga mat.

"No! No, I'm not having an attack." Elouise soothed. "Um, well I'm starting to have these feelings..." Marg squeaked and clapped her hands.

"I knew it! I just knew it!" She squealed, making Elouise roll her eyes.

"Not those kinds of feelings!" Elouise sighed. "I just...Lucas is tolerable and semi-intelligent. Did you know he skipped a grade and finished all his schooling on tour?" She was doing that...thing. You know, when you gush about someone or something and you can't stop? Elouise Annette Parr didn't gush. Until Luke, and she despised it.

Somehow, some way, Luke had softened her. She damn near giggled the other day at a dinner. Giggled! She had never been one for dolls, bows and frilly socks. Elouise liked going to the office with daddy and being around the hustle of the business world. Where as her mother tried to force her into pink gowns and curled pigtails. After mother left, Elouise grew up. She learned how to run a business at 13 and knew the ins and outs of the government systems in 18 countries by her 14th birthday.  By 18 she could've run for Prime Minister, seeing as she knew more than the Prime Minister, himself. She never had butterflies over boys. She didn't have time.

"El, you realize it was bound to happen. You falling for him. That's why you're soul mates." Marg stated, a childish grin on her lips.

"I'm not falling for him! I'm saying that I don't dread going out in public with him." Elouise shut off the treadmill, taking a large swig from her water bottle. "He's not all that bad."

"You're warming up. I bet it's that boyish charm. Or his smile. He does have a nice smile." Margery nodded to herself.

"It is kind of nice isn't it?"


From: Literal Satan



To: Literal Satan


um??? hi?

From: Literal Satan


I figured we should try....this. Like friends. I guess.

To: Literal Satan


this is weird. you usually call me. why aren't you calling me?? princess are you sure that it's  you?

From: Literal Satan


Nevermind. This conversation never happened Lucas.


"Luke I swear, she isn't going to respond if you keep staring at the dots." Jane sighed, looking at Luke's hunched over body.

"She never texts me. This is so weird!" Luke finally exclaimed.

"Maybe the plan is actually working." Calum teased from the couch despite a look of distaste boiling just under the surface.

"Which would be a good thing. Honestly, I think you two just need to fuck already." Michael snickered.

 "Gross." Luke sighed, tugging his blonde hair. He sort of resembled Tinkerbell, with a red face and fistfuls of blonde hair.

When he spoke to her earlier that week it was comfortable, easy. Normal almost. He had found out things she obviously hadn't told people, seeing as she didn't have friends. Elouise had seemed to warm up to him and possibly see him as her soulmate rather than the pesky 18 year old who just happened to be the reason she could see colors. Not like she wore many, but neither did Luke. As much as the thought of them having anything in common made Luke want to crawl in bed and stay there, he did have to admit, there was something there. 

Luke wanted desperately to stick to plan Cut A Bitch, but Elouise really seemed to be opening up to him. Almost allowing him to accept her as his soulmate. And breaking hearts had never been his forte. This really could end up the worse for him in the end.


YALL IM ALMOST DONE AT MY JOB. IT SUCKS SO BAD AND IM FINALLY LEAVING. So I should be able to update more. And now I have three stories in the works so this should be fun!!!!

hugs and kisses , Annie xx 

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