chapter four

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As soon as Luke walked in the door, after Elousie of course, four heads snapped in his direction. He froze momentarily and felt the butterflies (do men get butterflies?) in the pit of his stomach attack violently. He towered over the four people in the room, and just stared at them with wide eyes. He could've just turned around and walked out of the house, called one of the boys to come and get him and live his life without the gift if color. Not like he wore much anyway.

"Ah, you must be Lucas!" A round man with bright red cheeks clapped. If he had white hair and a red suit, Luke would have mistaken him for Santa.

"Uh, no sir. It's just Luke." He muttered awkwardly, rolling onto the sides of his feet and then crossing his legs.

"You can call him Lucas, Monty. It's his name." Elouise stated flatly. The other three people, women in tight business suits with Blackberries in their hands, just snickered.

"It isn't." He growled but followed Elouise as she stalked through the house. He swore he heard Monty mutter something along the lines of 'good luck' as he walked past. And damn would he need it.

"So Princess, how do you want me to act around your daddy?" Luke asked, shoving his hands in his pockets and shuffling behind her.

"Dignified." Elouise snapped.

"I don't know what that means." If she thought he was dumb, he'd play dumb.

"Lucas," She turned on her dreaded heel. "Be a mature 18 year old boy who knows something! And stop calling me 'Princess.' It's demeaning."



"Lucas, I'm pleased to finally meet you." Charles Parr greeted the pair in the living room, that parlor as Elouise called it.

"It's just Luke sir."

"Elouise has said so much about you in the past few days." Charles chuckled.

"Oh has she?" Luke raised a brow in Elouise's direction. She just rolled her eyes and continued tapping on her phone.

"Sure she has." Charles said. "How about lunch?" Luke nodded and followed him into the dining room, where the table was set with more finery than Luke has seen in his mums china cabinet.

It was awkward, to say the least. Elouise and Charles discussed politics, numbers and things Luke couldn't follow. He had a high school education, there wasn't much he really could do with that. Plus the fact that he knew nothing of what was happening in Australia other than where was closest restaurant to the band house and the cheapest DVDs were sold. He sat in silence for the most part, nodding along and mumbling his two cents.

"Luke, what is it that you do again? I don't think Elouise ever mentioned it." Luke just dropped his fork. This man lived in the media, and he was Luke Hemmings. How did he not know?

"I'm in a band." Luke sat up. Elouise couldn't have looked anymore pissed off. Charles coughed slightly, putting his water glass down.

"Oh! That's right. 3 minutes of something." Charles snapped his fingers.

"5 Seconds of Summer." Elouise tapped her too-long nails in the table. So she pays attention?

"And how's that going?" Charles asked, looking seemingly interested.

"We just debuted out album and that got some pretty good reviews. So I'd say we're doing pretty well." Luke nodded, trying to hide the smirk that grew when Elouise rolled her eyes.


"You could've just lied." Elouise bit. If looks could kill, Luke would be dead two times over.

"Why would I do that?" Luke snapped, grabbing her wrist and spinning her to face him. "Honestly, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I lied to your daddy?"

"You aren't my boyfriend." Elouise snapped, trying to remove Luke's hand.

"Says who?"

"Well for one thing, Lucas, you never asked." She sneered. "And second, I despise you."

"That's flattering." He tightened his grip on her wrist.

"Let. Go."

"No can do Princess."



"Get in the car, you're going home." She hissed, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

The car ride was awkward, once again. Elouise yelled about how absolutely unacceptable Luke was. He played Candy Crush. When they pulled into the parking lot of his complex, Luke nearly tucked and rolled out of the car and sprinted up the stairs. He could hear the car speed off but it didn't acknowledge it. He took the stairs two at a time and grinned to himself. When he entered the room, Calum glanced up from his movie and raised an eyebrow.

"So how did it go?" Calum asked, handing Luke the bowl of popcorn when he sat down.

"She still hates me. Probably even more than before." Luke giggled.

"I don't understand you, honestly. She's your soulmate there is some reason you two are meant for each other." Calum sighed.

"When did you get so wise?"

"When you guys thought I slept with Jane. I ate a lot of Chinese food." Luke snorted and rolled his eyes.

"Honestly, you need to get off your high horse and find something about her you do like about her personality. You're kind of stuck with her." Cal huffed.

"Could always just get with someone else. The soulmate thing is a suggestion."

"A pretty damn good one if you ask me. This black and white thing sucks. I don't even know if my socks match." Cal laughed lightly.

"Shut up, dipshit." Luke smiled.

Calum was right though, seeing color really did bring things to life. He realized he wore far too much black. Luke's eyes were very blue and his skin pale. It was different, seeing yourself in a different way. But if having to be with Elouise was the only way to expand these horizons then he would give it up in a heartbeat.


This is shit, wow I'm sorry. But you needed am update lol so have a crappy one. Ily all ok I'm sorry this sucks. PLZ don't tell me this suCKS BC I KNOW

Annie xx

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