chapter three

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Double update, bitches. Inspiration hit. I was watch a Hitler speech (don't ask, I was on youtube, just mucking about.) and I decided to write this chapter. Hope you all like it! 


Luke was never the type to be petty. Typically, he'd let the little things go. But now it was on. Sure, he'd meet Elouise's father, despite the fact she made him come when he had plans elsewhere. But he wasn't going to play nice about it. 

Maybe it was the teenage boy in him, feeling slightly emasculated by such an intimidating girl, but he was going to put up a fight. It wasn't exactly like he liked her all that much either, so why couldn't he be an asshole right back?

"Hey, which one do you think Elouise will hate more? This one or this one?" Luke asked Calum, holding up the two shirt options. Calum looked at him and rolled his eyes.

"Aren't you supposed to be asking which one she'll like more. I don't think she's as bad as you're making it out to be. Maybe you just perceived her wrong. She seemed pretty cozy with you up when you had that outburst. Which was hilarious by the way." Calum said. Luke scowled. 

"That's exactly what she wants you to think. She's training to be some super mega politician. She knows what lies to tell. Like a snake in the grass, she'll make you think the danger has passed and BOOM! She'll go in for the kill. Do not let her fool you. She's awful." he responded decidedly. Calum huffed and pointed at one of the shirts just as Luke's phone started ringing. Luke's face hardened as he saw who was calling.

"I'll be there in ten minutes. Please be ready. I was hoping to discuss with both you and daddy about how this situation will affect his campaign. Shouldn't be too difficult, really. Even for you." 

"All my bandmates are here, so I'd rather you not come up. I already cancelled plans for this it's the least you can do, Princess." retorted Luke. Elouise bristled. She wasn't used to being talked to like that. She ordered people around, not the other way around. That simply wouldn't do.

"Lucas, you can't tell where I can't go. Besides, I want to see if you bandmates are as uncivilized as you."

"Are your friends as bitchy as you?" Luke smirked, thinking he'd one that one.

"Please, I haven't had to worry about something as ridiculous as that in years. I don't have friends, Lucas. I have colleagues. People I carry on polite conversation with to get to the final goal. Whatever that goal may be at the time."  Elouise responded, matter of factly. 

"How absolutely cold and heartless of you."

"Maybe. I don't really care. Be ready, I'm four minutes away." She said, promptly hanging up. Luke cursed. She was absolutely dreadful. Luke hadn't noticed that Calum had walked out the door during the conversation until it was done. Walking out, after putting on the shirt that Calum had deemed most likely to annoy Elouise, he was met with all of his friends casually laying around the living room.

Michael raised his eyebrow. "Isn't that a bit too casual for meeting someone who could potentially be the Prime Minister?" Luke shrugged, nodding. 

"Or you know, your father in law." Ashton interjected, causing Luke's head to whip around while everyone laughed. 

"That's never going to happen. Elouise Parr is an awful bitch with no heart and no friends. No pretty face or hot body is going to fix that. I'm starting to actually think she's a descendent from Hitler." He said, not noticing the clicking of heels on the hardwood floor. Elouise was behind him with an unamused face. 

"All of you will get murdered someday. You just left the door completely unlocked. Also, it's impossible I'm a descendent of Hitler. He never had any children. Although it's rumored, he had a lover named Eva. Anyways, if I inherited any of his rhetoric skills, I'd be a happy girl." Elouise stated, like it was normal to wish for the talents of Hitler.

"Oh great, now she hates Jewish people!" Luke stated lifting his arms to point at her. Elouise rolled her eyes.

"It's like you don't even process anything. I said I wish I could speak like him, he was a powerful speaker. Even if it was full of hate, he made people believe it was right. Not everyone has that kind of talent." Everyone around the room slowly nodded, understanding what she was saying. "But truly, you all are completely daft if you think I'm as insane as him. No wonder Lucas associates with you all."

Everyone paused before Michael smirked, making eye contact with Luke. "Trust me. We don't know either. He'd be much better off getting politically involved instead of wasting time playing guitar. He has so much potential." Snickers were let out around the room causing Elouise to sniff indignantly.

"How charming. I understand sarcasm, you know. I'm not as idiotic as you were when you decided to die your hair the color of mold the grows on my old pool filter. I don't have time to talk with you all, honestly. We've got to go, Lucas." She said, turning back towards the door. "It was a pleasure." 

"You can't speak to Michael like that!" Luke said, walking after her. 

"Sure I can. Just like I can comment on your inappropriate attire for dinner. Or the height difference between Jane and her boyfriend is weird, too much PDA by the way. I got a face full of it just walking in for about two minutes. Don't get me started on the asian." She said closing the door behind her, leaving everyone but her in Luke in the room.

"Did she just simultaneously insult all of us?" Calum asked, staring at the door with a shocked expression on his face. Everyone nodded, dazed.

"I don't think I'll be voting for her father, this election." Ashton remarked. 


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