chapter two

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Juno Temple is the faceclaim for Elouise for any of you mobile users.


Long story short, Elouise was just plain awful. She was demanding, rude, judgmental and worst of all, she hated Luke. Well, that's what he thought. When they left the event, he was ready to tear his hair out. He hated her and he only knew her for a few hours. If they were that bad now, what the hell were they going to be like when they spent more time together? There most definitely would be a blood bath.

With his laptop running four Google pages on Elouise Parr, Luke was desperately trying to find something redeeming about his soulmate. Other than the fact that she was hot and older. But all that came up was her father, and the campaign. Nothing about Elouise's life. Which made this a lot harder. Luke didn't care about politics. He didn't stay in Australia long enough to know what was going on with whatever crisis. That's what the rest of his life was for. Now he would enjoy the band, that Elouise clearly hated.

"What are you doing?" Ashton asked him, falling down on the bed next to Luke and looking at the computer screen. "Are you stalking her?" He teased.

"Shut up. I'm trying to find one good thing about her that doesn't involve her body." Luke groaned, scrolling through another article about Australia's Sweetheart.

"Ahhh, I see." Ashton nodded, skimming the article. "Hey, how come we didn't get to meet her?"

"She hates the band." Luke sneered, slamming the laptop shut.

"You're kidding." Ashton was grinning like mad.

"Why the hell are you smiling, dumbass? I just told you my soulmate hates our band!" Luke was basically just done with everyone's bullshit today. "Oh! And get this! She's going to train me in politics and dress me up and shit! Isn't that fantastic?!" At that, Ashton lost it. Luke didn't find this funny, at all.

"Just your luck, mate. Honestly, you couldn't get anyone more different than you if you tried! This is gold!" Ashton was howling with laughter.

"This isn't funny. I'm fucked." Luke whined. The other two boys and Jane must have heard Ashton loosing his shit, because they came into the room, eyeing the two boys.

"What happened?" Jane giggled, watching her boyfriend flail and Luke pull at his hair. Ashton calmed down enough to sit back up in the bed, still giggling.

"Luke's soulmate."

"Oh, Elouise right? What about her?" Calum asked, putting Luke's computer on the floor and laying in his lap.

"She's hot." Michael stated, flopping down on the dog pile. Jane stood, rolling her eyes at the boys.

"Don't tell her that. She might have you banned from the country. Or executed." Luke groaned. "Why couldn't it be someone simple? Hell,  I would've been okay with a hooker!" Which we all know is a lie.

"She can't be that bad...." Calum sighed.

"She said she thinks we could have a perfect 'business' relationship. Can't we just share Jane, Ash?" Luke groaned, looking at the older boy with pleading eyes.

"Hell no, this one's mine." Ashton, pulled Jane into his lap and held her tightly to prove his point.

"Honestly, Luke. She's not all bad." Jane tried.

"If you don't want her, I'll take her. She's still hot as hell." Michael teased.

"Good luck." Luke scoffed.

All joking aside, Luke honestly thought there was a mistake. There is absolutely no way this girl was his soulmate. She was too high strung and stuck up. Even his mum laughed when he called her and told her the news. He didn't see why this was so amusing, he got the worst girl for him. And she kept calling him Lucas! That wasn't even his name! His thoughts were interrupted when his phone buzzed from its spot on the night stand. The number was unknown but he answered anyway, glancing at all the boys and Jane, who suddenly shut up.


"Lucas, hi." You've got to be fucking kidding me. 

"My name isn't Lucas." He sneered. Michael snorted, and Ashton slapped his cheek, wanting to hear the conversation.

"Whatever. Listen, Daddy wants to meet you." Elouise stated calmly.

"Oh yeah, sure. When?" He asked, eyes wide and cheeks burning. If Elouise hated him, imagine her father.

"Tomorrow." Luke swore he blacked out.

"You're fucking kidding me." He blurted.

"Watch your mouth!" She snapped. He just rolled his eyes, much to the boys amusement.

"I can't really do that. I have-" She cut him off.

"You can and you will."

"Elouise, I can't."

"Lucas, you will. It's very important that you meet him." She sounded like his mum.

"No." He stated.

"Yes." She was pissed now. Good.

"Bye, Princess." and with that, he hung up the phone.

"What the fuck did you just do?" Michael sighed.

"Probably just signed my death wish." Luke huffed, tossing his phone on the floor. Elouise wants to control his life? Ha! Not without a fight.


this is kinda sucky, but listen to lil Lukey whine. and steal Jane, the lil butt.

okay so I'm sorry if this is really vulgar, I'm trying to chill i just feel like if you had to deal with Princess Elouise you'd cuss a lot too. lol

anyways, enjoy

Annie xx

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