chapter seventeen

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It had been two weeks, one day, four hours since Luke and Elouise last talked. It wasn't like it was on purpose, they were just busy. Elouise was in the final stretch of her father's campaign during this time (the results were coming in later that night, on every TV station in Australia.) and Luke had been helping somewhat (on twitter, but what was he really supposed to do?) but he was in the middle of planning yet another Australian tour.

As much as the both wished they could say they really missed each others presence, they weren't incredibly close yet. Flirty? Check. Pretty friendly? Check. Super awkward when the other one shows up looking hot? Check plus. But a relationship? Not really. They couldn't say that.

Luke had finally gotten home after a long meeting on what the setlist would be for some of the tour dates when he got a call.

"Where are you?!" Elouise practically yelled, sounding shrill and barely concealing her anger. He sounded like he was in trouble and he didnt really know why.

"Am I supposed to be anywhere?" he cringed, asking tentatively.

"What's the date?" She asked sharply. Shit, election day. He was lucky he turned his vote in early on one of those cards she gave him.

"Shit. I forgot. Sorry, where do you need me to be? I feel like we talked about this."

"We did. Three weeks ago. You had just said something about liking the taste of my coffee that you stole. It's whatever. Just be here in thirty minutes okay? We'll get you ready. Wear whatever you want, I don't care. We just need you to not look like you came home from a meeting." She said calmly, suprising him.

"How the hell did you know I came home from a meeting?"

"I knew you were planning your tour, and we haven't talked in forever. It was either a meeting or a trip to Argentina like that governor from South Carolina in the US took with his mistress using tax money. Did you hear he broke up with her publicly on Facebook? Hope the poor thing is okay." (A/N: THIS IS TRUE GUYS. HE'S NOT OUR GOVERNOR ANYMORE BUT IN SOUTH CAROLINA MY GOVERNOR REALLY DID THIS.) She joked.

"Holy crap, really? That's hilarious." He laughed. In all honesty, he felt a little bad for that lady too.

"Yeah. I know. Are you on your way? I don't hear car keys or driving or anything." She deadpanned.


True to his word, and Elouise's request, Luke showed up in just under thirty minutes. He was met with a wall of people appraising his appearance. Two shoved four suits at him each and others were trying to flatten his hair or grab at his face to take out his lip ring.

"Stop! My goodness, I told you all to leave him alone. Just fix a stray hair or two, cover the bags under his eyes. Not make him look like a Kennedy." Elouise demanded, looking a little upset that nobody listened to her. Luke smirked.

"I thought you were hoping for a Kennedy." Elouise blushed at her old comment but recovered quickly.

"Shut up. Be ready in ten minutes because we're going out there with the rest of the party to watch the last 15 to 20 minutes of votes being counted. You're going to sit there, look pretty like you always do, hold my hand and then sit there and smile while daddy does his celebration speech when he wins. We were winning by a landslide in the polls." She was obviously stressed, despite the calm body languge.

"Whatever you say." He said, rolling his eyes. She walked two steps closer to him. about two feet away.

"Damn right."


Just as Elouise said, they did go out ten minutes later. And Elouise was squeezing his hand for dear life, plastering on a smile. Luke did feel kind of out of place with his outfit, considering the kind of people there, but he was fine with that. He was just glad he had the option now.

Suddenly everyone was shushed when the anchor came on the screen.

"We have history in the making, ladies and gentlemen of Australia. Our 29th Prime Minister is Prime Minister Parr!" He announced. Apparently he was a fan by the excited demeanor he held. The whole room around Luke errupted in cheers.

Turning to his right he saw Elouise screaming, hands raised to come around her father's neck in a hug. He saw her father turning to his wife and hugging her. Elouise turned around to Luke and pulled him in for an unexpected hug.

He stood still for a moment before wrapping his arms around her waist. What the hell, he was going to go for it. He lifted her up slightly off the ground and spun her. Luke was proud of Elouise, what could he say? She'd put a lot of work into this campaign, and as far as Luke was concerned, Elouise was just as much responsible for her father becoming Prime Minster as her father was.

After putting her down, another unexpected thing happened. She kissed him. She fucking kissed him. It wasn't like a long, passionate kiss, but it wasn't quite a peck either. He couldn't really describe what it was, but it sure as hell was awesome.

After pulling away, he gave her a tentitive smile.

"Hey, El. I'm proud of you."

"Thanks, Luke. I'm proud of myself too." and with that, she walked over to where he father was excitedly talking to his collegues.

Other than the fact that he was feeling kind of powerful by association with her father, Luke found out one thing this night. That he was screwed. Because that kiss was awesome.


Ayyyy guys, long time, no talk! How's life with yall? Everything good?

Anyways, I'm proud of this chapter.

But how did yall like it?


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