chapter seven

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i start school in two days! yippee. also i'd like to inform you that i totally slaughtered a terrible misogynist in a debate. you'd be proud guys. hollaaaaa, also this ferguson shit is pissing me off, idgaf what anyone thinks but its obviously a race issue. white supremacy at it's finest is currently at work. 

sorry it just got serious, but seriously im so done with the world rn.


In the end, Luke and Michael had to call Jane over for help in their plan. They didn't really know enough about girls to really do anything substantial, especially a girl with thick skin like Elouise. To be totally honest, Luke kinda felt like he was in that scene in mean girls where they plan Regina George's demise. 

"If you're really going to want her to leave you alone for good, you've got to completely piss her off. I feel like a bitch for saying this, but the only way to really piss off a girl is to break her heart, and then let it simmer. Unfortunately for you, she doesn't even find you pleasant." Jane rambled. Luke let out a shout of indignation before he got shushed by everyone in the room; Calum, Ashton, Jane,  and Michael. 

"Basically, you're going to get her guard down. How? She's an obvious control freak, so listen to what she tells you. Even if that means taking out your piercing while you're around her." Luke grumbled at that. "But she also seems like one of those girls who's repressing her secret desire to be dominated by being bossy. So every now and then, pull a 'fuck you, I do what I want.'. Then, when you get her to enjoy you as a person, compliment her. Obviously this is going to be an issue, because apparently the only good thing about her is her perfect hair, pretty face, and rockin' bod. Try to find something, even if you have to lie a little. She's smart, I'll give her that, so tell her. Then, buy her things. I don't give a shit how liberated she is, every girl loves gifts. Take her to the opera, I did some research, she loves that shit. Eventually she'll start liking you, and you know what to do from there. She'll hate you forever." Jane finished in a huff, causing everyone around the room to stare at her cautiously. The kind of way you'd look at someone who might stab you in your sleep.

"That was so hot. The whole 'revenge bitch' thing." Ashton said, giving her a peck on the cheek, causing everyone to roll their eyes. 

"Don't you think it's kind of, I don't know, mean?" Calum asked, frowning at Luke. 

"Yeah. But she's really mean, so it doesn't matter. She's insulted all of us. I wouldn't think you'd have an issue with it." Luke shot back. rolling his eyes. Leave it to Cal to be Mr.Moral. 

"It's still pretty fucked up. It reminds me of John Tucker Must Die or something. That didn't turn out well. Do you want cake thrown at you?" He announced, looking everyone in the eye, causing guilty looks. "You guys do what you want, but I'm not going to be a part of it." Luke just shrugged. The shrill ringing of his phone, caused an end to the awkward silence. Picking up his phone he saw that, Literal Satan was calling. 

"Hello, Elouise?" He asked, faking pleasantries. He might as well start the plan now. 

"Finally decided to call me by my actual name? Look, Lucas, I obviously don't think you're ready but I need you to come to a rally my father is speaking at. If we could have scheduled it later, we would, but currently that isn't possible. I'll be there in an hour, you know what to wear." Jesus, this was going to be harder than he thought. Gritting his teeth he spoke in his nicest manners.

"Can you tell me what kind of rally?"

"It's for an orginzation encouraging the arts in school. Recently, parliment has been voting against further funding of music, art, and theatre programs in schools. Figured you'd get a kick out of it, since you're in that god awful band." She told him. Ignoring the insult, Luke responded.

"Yeah. Okay, I'll be ready." 

"No arguing? I must say, I'm suprised. Thanks for acting like an adult, I've got to go." She said, hanging up the phone. She sounded pleased. It was already progress. 

"Well okay, guys." Luke said, addressing everyone. "We should come up with a name for this plan, because it's already 'go'."

"Project Cut a Bitch!" Michael yelled.

"Operation: End Elouise!" Ashton, added.

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