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Dear Elliot, 

i told niall about you over breakfast, he smiled to me and asked if he could read you. never have i ever been so uncomfortable in my life, looking for a way to say im just not alright with that.

you're alright with this, right?

being the thing that keeps me sane? 

i hope it isn't too lonely, i would hate to put you through that, i really would. 

im really sure that you're the only one that truly knows how messed up i am and yet you haven't packed your bags.

you know, people think you are crazy when you talk about things they don’t understand and that is something i don't have to go through with you. niall as well but mostly you. 

 he only knows the surface, like a bird gliding over a pond. but you? you've dug into my soul and ripped into my heart in the least painful way possible.

he saw the look on my face and nodded, im not quite sure if he understood or if he was disappointed but i really hope it wasn't the latter.

i apologized for my presence being a burden and he told me to 'stop talking rubbish' and that i was welcome to stay as long as i needed to breathe and im not sure how long that would be, honestly, i just hope he doesn't get tired of me. nothings as amazing in excess.

before i forget,

i was thinking today, after niall left to go to the store,  about how we ended up at the same park, at the same time, both awkward smokers looking for something only each other could give.

but then i realized, 

there could be a thousand explanations along the lines of coincidence and fate but what mattered is that,

he got my blood racing

and i got his.


Letters To Elliot -horan //COMPLETED AND EDITING//Where stories live. Discover now