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Dear Elliot,

 sometime not so far from now, i may not be writing to you anymore. 

does that scare you like it does me?

i know i would never personally tear myself from you but its not in just my hands. there's tanya, there's niall, there's delusion.

the one delusion that affects the most... happiness.

im sorry for rambling on and on about this but well... maybe its not so bad.

ive been warming up to the idea,

 maybe the unknown isn't always dangerous. 

niall offered to take me out to this nice restaurant again but i had to explain to him that there was only so much he could fix about me but i would never be ready to face harsh reality that is the public.

we compromised on the park, the one that we met in, remember?

we sat out and listened to mad sounds, probably the one song that i could honest to god say expressed everything that was me. 

i could say this about a lot of songs, past and present, but this was the one that could not be contested with.

                it was everything i could never tell.

we laid and stared at each other, him twirling my hair, me searching through his deep blue eyes, trying to understand things the way he did. trying to find his easy accepting nature

trying to find why he was here with me when he was worth so much more

lust has no mercy and sadly this was deeper.

Everybody is a main character to someone, you know that elliot?

he was mine. God, he was the whole novel.

you too though, you're on the insides with me, the writer.

i hope im yours, it would be upsetting if i wasn't, but no pressure :)


next chapter, theres going to be a lot of niall i promise

Letters To Elliot -horan //COMPLETED AND EDITING//Where stories live. Discover now