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Dear Elliot, 

it was 4:08.

we were laid there, mentally tangled, physically apart.

puffing out our lungs with every stick.

listening to the acoustic version of why'd you only call me when your high on repeat.

knowing this moment would be a story someday.

because we didn't need headphones to turn the world off.

we did that for each other.

the smoke in his room

our numb thumbs from our cheap lighters.


elliot, i know there might be a million people who would never picture this as a desirable scene. but for us, it couldn't have been more amazing.

 ''what are you thinking about?'' he asked me, with one those smiles, one that i couldn't help but take a picture of, causing him to laugh... and me to take another picture.

''kissing you''

and then we did.

" some people smoke,

others drink, and others fall in love,

each one dies from a different way,

but why do we all suffer the same?''

and elliot, this was a question that had run in my mind for so long, accompaning me on my lonely days, days before you and niall.

''life would have been awfully boring if were we born with the answers to every question.''

we finished the remaining of the stale cigarettes niall had hid in his shoe for emergencies. i didn't understand it... but i did. we were both unorthodox, in more ways than one.

we sat there with our lungs giving up, attempting to drift off into sleep, finally physically touching and mentally adoring each others feel.

''you cant sleep.'' 

''neither can you''

''last night i had a dream about you'' i confessed to him, like i am to you.

''last night i wanted to be with you''

''i want to be with you''

''i want you'' 

and that elliot, is how we ended, tangled and listening to each others heart beat, feeling our chests pump in and out, taking in the others exhaled breaths.

nothing i ever thought i would be doing.


 back on my regular update schedual, the book is almost done, only about a third of it left.

and it isnt pleasant 

Letters To Elliot -horan //COMPLETED AND EDITING//Where stories live. Discover now