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[ a bunch of dysfunctional orphans™ ]

toddster: why did i just see an advertisement for damian on craigslist?

timbo: golly gosh

timbo: wonder how that got there

toddster: 'a vicious demon. could the be antichrist. definitely loves knives.'

timbo: a demon? in my craigslist? it's more likely than you think.

dickiebird: what

brucewayne: Tim, you can't sell your brother on Craigslist.

timbo: you're right

timbo: literally no one will buy him

timbo: he's too damn unlikable

brucewayne: Take the ad down.

timbo: i'm sorry

timbo: i can't hear you right now

timbo: the line's breaking up

timbo: you must have the wrong number

brucewayne: I mean it.


brucewayne: Jason

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brucewayne: Jason. Make and advertisement for Tim on Craigslist.

toddster: i already did

toddster: when you guys were busy arguing, i made an ad for him

toddster: 'lonely insomniac with extreme caffeine addiction'

timbo: false advertising

toddster: bitch, where?

dickiebird: this family makes me want to jump in front of a car

damiwayne: please do.

dickiebird: little d?? i thought you liked me??

damiwayne: sorry, grayson. forgot to read the username. thought you were drake.

timbo: judging by the type of message, i can see why you'd think it was me

casscain: hi? hello.

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