twenty two

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dickiebird created a groupchat

dickiebird added babsgordon
dickiebird added toddster
dickiebird added timbo
dickiebird added casscain
dickiebird added stephbrown
dickiebird added dukethotmas

dickiebird named the chat i'm in the closet and not metaphorically, i am literally inside a closet. i am also bi, but openly. i'm still in a closet. once again, not a metaphorical one. thank you for coming to my ted talk. speaking of talks, let's talk about my non-metaphorical closet situation.

babsgordon: that groupchat name is a bit of a mouthful

dickiebird: have a mouthful of my ass, barbara.

timbo: wOah there

timbo: did dick just swear?

dickiebird: damian isn't in this chat. there are no young ears that need to be protected from the real world.

stephbrown: damian isn't in the chat? we're free, at last!

dukethotmas: wait

dukethotmas: i'm... in a groupchat... i've been included for once...

toddster: oh, shit

toddster: i forgot that we never added him in the last one

casscain: that's babs' fault..

babsgordon: fine, just throw me under the bus, then

babsgordon: (sorry, duke, ily)

dukethotmas: (fuck off)

toddster: can he be damian's permanent replacement?

dickiebird: what? no!

toddster: listen,,

toddster: i have connections, i know people. all i'm saying is that if we wanted a certain someone to disappear, i could make it happen. and we wouldn't get in any trouble.

dickiebird: i'm not letting you hire someone to assassinate damian!

toddster: really? i just assumed that you finally had enough of him, and that's why you created this chat without him.

dickiebird: no!

dickiebird: didn't you read the title? the purpose of this groupchat is to discuss where i am!

timbo: of course i didn't read the title. i've had two hours of sleep and that's way too many words. that just looks like a pile of spaghetti soup to me.

stephbrown: ^^ it's way too long

casscain: that's what she said ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

babsgordon: nice ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

dickiebird: really, you two?

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