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[ a bunch of dysfunctional orphans™ ]

toddster: we're throwing a party

toddster: because it's time for a celebration

brucewayne: We're not throwing a party.

timbo: why would we have a party? we literally have nothing to celebrate.

toddster: have you forgotten? holy shit, i can't believe you've forgotten.

babsgordon: are we forgetting someone's birthday?

alfredpennyworth: No, I can remember everyone's birthdays, and not one of them is recent.

toddster: ffs

toddster: it's not a birthday

casscain: a gala?

toddster: ew no

toddster: why would i even

dickiebird: are you talking about easter?

dickiebird: that was five days ago, you're a little late

toddster: no

toddster: (although, on that topic, it's a shame we ate damian's turkey on thanksgiving because we could've eaten it on sunday instead)

toddster: but think about the concept of easter

damiwayne: what? is there another jesus day soon?

damiwayne: (go drink bleach, you sadistic bastard)

toddster: nooo

toddster: you're all so stupid

toddster: just think about it

toddster: why do we celebrate easter?

timbo: because, supposedly, jesus rose from the grave?

toddster: YES finally

toddster: now, what do jesus havocado christ and i have in common?

dickiebird: please stop bringing that up, i was high on medication

toddster: that's irrelevant, just think about the question.

toddster: jesus and jason. what do we have in common?

stephbrown: both of your names begin with 'j'?

toddster: no

toddster: well, yes, but that's not what i'm talking about

timbo: ohhh

toddster: yeahhhh

toddster: for a group of the world's best detectives, you're all really shit at this

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