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[ a bunch of dysfunctional orphans™ ]

damiwayne: grayson, come back to the manor this instant

dickiebird: aw, miss me?

damiwayne: hell no

damiwayne: there's a BEE in my bedroom

dickiebird: why don't you ask alfred for help?

damiwayne: there's no way i'm letting anyone else know about my fear of bees, not even pennyworth

dickiebird: oh

dickiebird: then now might be a bad time to let you know that you've been messaging the groupchat this whole time

damiwayne: FUCK

damiwayne left the chat

casscain: someone wash that kid's mouth out with soap

babsgordon added damiwayne

babsgordon: buzz buzz bitch

stephbrown: upon meeting damian wayne, i thought he was a dickhead. but over time, i've come to realise that he's a pathetic dickhead.

damiwayne: at least i don't eat sandwiches out of puddles you parasite

timbo: i once got stung by a bee

damiwayne: see? they're dangerous

timbo: it was quite pleasant, actually

dickiebird: wtf

babsgordon: jason has been awfully quiet during this conversation

toddster: sorry i was too busy laughing

toddster: damian's scared of bees

toddster: fuckin idiot

toddster: bees are nice, haven't you ever seen the bee movie?

damiwayne: it's fictional!

damiwayne: and i have never once met a decent bee

stephbrown: what??

casscain: how did you come to the conclusion that said bees weren't 'decent'?

damiwayne: because they were bees

damiwayne: bees ≠ decent

dickiebird: do you still need me to get rid of the bee now that everyone knows?

damiwayne: if you come to the manor i will rip off your scalp and use it as an oven mitt

babsgordon: that just put a very vivid image in my mind

dickiebird: what?? why??

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