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[ a bunch of dysfunctional orphans™ ]

stephbrown: guys

stephbrown: the queue at mcdonalds is so long kms

timbo: what the fuck

timbo: i'm rushing to the hospital and you're at mcdonalds???

stephbrown: yeah, do you want something?

timbo: ,,

timbo: some nuggets please

stephbrown: sure thing

brucewayne: Guys, we have more important things to focus on. Like your unconscious brothers, for example.

babsgordon: actually, dick isn't unconscious anymore

babsgordon: he's just really high on pain meds

stephbrown: really? i'd love to see that

babsgordon: .. no, you wouldn't

babsgordon: permanent mental scarring here i come

brucewayne: How's Jason?

casscain: this is probably the most he's slept since he got drunk and passed out on the couch the other day

casscain: so pretty good

timbo: i'm so confused????

timbo: what happened???

timbo: i was trying to distract the security guards and tripped over a houseplant, then i got back up to find out that we have to go to the hospital?? and that a guard laughed at me falling over??

brucewayne: Well, Dick was right; he was standing too close to the 'synthetic' fire. His jacket caught aflame.

timbo: holy hell

brucewayne: Luckily, the fire was put out before it could do too much harm, but in a blind panic, he fell over and dislocated his shoulder.

brucewayne: Then Jason tried to help put out the fire. Somehow, he was accidentally punched in the face by Dick (using his good arm) and is currently unconscious.

casscain: i don't think he will be for much longer. he's stirring.

brucewayne: Then Barbara rushed down from the rafters and wreaked havoc. She blamed the whole fire ordeal on Eddie Nigma, for some reason.

timbo: she hates people who are taller than her

brucewayne: That would explain why she tried to fist fight him

brucewayne: Soon after, Barbara was escorted out by security

brucewayne: She's currently with Cassandra, overseeing Dick and Jason. They're sharing a hospital room.

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